I think guys with a steady sex life are less likely to JUMP at an offer for a booty call, as opposed to guys who get it less frequently. ...
Where is your motivation level? Would you get up during the middle of a sermon if you got a booty call text? Would you cancel a Dr appt for the same? Or are you the type that would just keep on with your day...assuming that the booty call would be there tomorrow?
Ladies, what about you?
Originally Posted by Reese Foster
i dont think that steady or less frequent sex is the determining factor. see below.
I have found that, as horny as I usually am, I will put off a booty call if it means that I have to change plans or whatever. I think I have started living my personal life, like I do the hobby. I need 24 hours notice for a booty call.
It's not fun when it's the other way around though! I want it when I want it dammit!!
Originally Posted by Reese Foster
if [and that's a BIG fucking if :^] i didnt have any other responsibilities in the world [family life, job, organizations], then i probably would respond to a booty call. [if it's p4p, i would need to have the fee available].
but i have responsibilities and havent responded to an on-demand booty call like that in a long time, if ever.
in the past, a provider would let me know she was coming to town in a few days and i would juggle things to go consult w/ her. fortunately and unfortunately, she has moved way out west and hasnt been in dallas in over a yr.
and several of my gal pals have called and/or texted me to say they will be at such and such restaurant or bar [implicit invitation to hang out, not necessarily a booty call]. the only time i took them up on it was when i had to go to the Home Depot that was near the place, but could only stay for a bit.
sure, i would love to consult w/ any of my gal pals when and where i wanted to. but i hobby on my time, not at the beck and call of another.
and that is why i say i dont think it has to do w/ frequency of sex. i think it has to do with commitments and responsibility.
put another way, would you want the guy to drop everything and come be with you, regardless of the consequences in his life?? would you drop everything in your life to go see the guy, regardless of the consequences in your life??