We will do more next time.

shorty's Avatar
This have never really happened to me, but I tend to see well reviewed ladies. I have been told that the lady was even more fun on extended sesions sorta thing. But nothing that really bothered me.

I do not know about short term for the ladies. A lady I know admits that the money is just too easy for her, she does not like what she does and has moral issues with it, but she is addicted to the quick, easy, and lucrative side of the biz. Rarely do I find a lady that is so honest with me, lol. She said it is hard for to work for $20 an hour when in the back of her head she could work for an hour and make more money and if she works two days a week she pulls in lots of cash without the headache of bosses, deadlines, and all the other irritations with a regular job.

I have known three ladies that announced their retirement and all three have returned to the biz. One lady does it very UTR, but she is still in the biz. So, my point is I do notknow if it is a short period for these ladies, iknow one lady that came into my town made a big splash for a month and now only sees regulars, does not advertise, does not want new clients. She found a comfortable niche with guys she can tolerate and makes a living at it. These are women with college degrees and good RL jobs but they know they cannot make as much as they can here, simple. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I can only speak for myself, but I do know that even in RL, couples, lovers, FWB's can and do become more comfortable with each during an intimate encounter. Pro's are real people too and sometimes, during a first meeting, it's hard to get to everything or completely reveal every desire, or even completely let go.

I have a couple of gentlemen friends I've been seeing from the beginning, who are very glad they came back for round 2, 3, etc. I'd say "one hitters" are not the type of gent I want to continuously encounter and give my all to. That's just me though. Looking for a few good men.....'-)
I have a fairly open menu and I usually leave it up to the guy to ask or just "do". I'm not a mind reader... I usually stay pretty vanilla unless someone specifies something.
burkalini's Avatar
Definately a menu I want to open up to it's fullest. lol
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
If I receive subpar service or they tell me that knowing they gave subpar service you bet your bottom dollar I'm not coming back. Ever.
It's a business, they're there for an interview. Always bring your "A" game. Same as a real world interview. At least that's what I was raised to think.
Logan135's Avatar
One of my first experiences I was told by the provider 30 minutes into the one hour as she was getting dressed......oh, msog will be on the menu the next time we meet lol......ugh, no thanks i'll take my balls and stick and play somewhere else.....
Definately a menu I want to open up to it's fullest. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
LOL. It would probably be me requesting to do more Mr.NON-GFE.
Still Looking's Avatar
Meat or Pasta?
Willen's Avatar
What I don't see mentioned here is how you approached the session, which we assume to be the first with that lady. Now, I can be a VERY uninhibited fellow, but I also have fun in very vanilla ways. Often, I use the first session as exploratory, to see how well we connect and what level of mutual trust we reach. So it's not infrequent to have somebody say, in effect, "Next time we'll . . . ." And often we do.

In fact my last lady said exactly that, and I need to follow up.
shorty's Avatar
LOL. It would probably be me requesting to do more Mr.NON-GFE. Originally Posted by Shayla

Or telling them to stop because I can't take no more! Just Sayin. . .
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
If I receive subpar service or they tell me that knowing they gave subpar service you bet your bottom dollar I'm not coming back. Ever.
It's a business, they're there for an interview. Always bring your "A" game. Same as a real world interview. At least that's what I was raised to think. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
ahhh.....that's a shame. Every encounter is not an interview for a long term or ATF relationship. A lot of gents are "one hitters"....no matter what! If ya want the "A" game each and every single 1 hour encounter, ya better find a new game.

As stated, we are real people too. Random strangers with no intent of ever returning...aka: (the guy who states he's looking for a regular, but has 50 okays on P411 in less than a year) ain't gonna get "A" game from any intelligent lady working in this biz....LOL If ya ever think ya did, or will, trust me....go back for encounter #2.....I can almost guarantee it'll be better than round #1 was.

Wow...some of you really do think we're all unintelligent bimbo's. Why does that still amaze me?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Treat each like you are both human and life is much much better for everyone

I'm not a tit for tat kinda guy, I just treat the ladies like they are human beings and leave it up to them to treat me how they see fit. I don't do to get whatever I can, I do it cause it's the right thing to do.....
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Treat each like you are both human and life is much much better for everyone

I'm not a tit for tat kinda guy, I just treat the ladies like they are human beings and leave it up to them to treat me how they see fit. I don't do to get whatever I can, I do it cause it's the right thing to do..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Naomi4u's Avatar
Smh. I love it when a guy talks the entire session then gets mad that we didn't do enough. WTF. lol!
Treat each like you are both human and life is much much better for everyone Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
If only everyone thought that way too many prideful and self-loathing human beings. But well said =]