Bill, ok, Texas Dream, I'm very glad that you sought to experiment and find out for yourself what works and doesn't work for you.You are sweet as always. Thank you for checking my math! You are absolutely right! Well I've already got the money order for the charity, so I'm not changing it now but its only fair to the experiment that I give accurate results so I stand corrected. Thank you
I've often thought that lowering prices (not necessarily specials) but lowering prices on a continuous basis, lowers the type of customer received, the valuation of self-worth (as you stated, continuous degradation will or could cause a person to question if the person(s) performing the degradation are right), and eventually plateau where the provider practically cannot 'give' it away.
I am all in favor of a business model where fair market value is established by the merchant, and the customer base will shop where the best value for product is established.
Merchants establish fair market value, customers establish perceived best value, commerce is established where the two intersect.
Your beautiful heart is personified by your generosity to charity.
I ask that you re-check your math- $1795 - 300 does not equal $1595.
I do have two regrets, one that I did not see your special rate, and two, that you had to change your number due to harassing/haranguing calls and text.
Please PM your new number.
Dogg Originally Posted by Doglegg
... likinikki school for girls! (lol) Originally Posted by LikinikkiAw, hell. Now I am going to have a hell of a time going to sleep thinking about likkinikki running a school for girls. Older girls of course! What sort of uniforms, study topics, preferred under-garments? So many questions to consider...
I met a few respectable men, but I am afraid the bad outweighed the good. Originally Posted by LilRedI'm so sorry you had this experience. It was such a pleasure meeting you. You are beauties and your BCD skills are top notch. If you ever decide to come back, I'd love to set up doubles with you and some gent I know will treat us with respect
I'm so sorry you had this experience. It was such a pleasure meeting you. You are beauties and your BCD skills are top notch. If you ever decide to come back, I'd love to set up doubles with you and some gent I know will treat us with respect Originally Posted by atxdream