Tehehehe!! Thats a good one! I am a cat lover too.
Although I have thought of getting a dog when I retire from the biz.. I love Pomeranian's,, (little poops like cats) but my husband would so kill me and I think my tough ass cats would kick it's ass!!!
Originally Posted by boardman
I quess I should retract the useless thread comment. Sorry Guys.
I love all animals although I do believe some belong on my plate.
I went through about 20 years of having cats.
Last year I rescued what I believe to be an Alaskan Husky. Bigger than a Siberian. Looks like a white wolf. He is the coolest dog. Every day when I get home he talks to me with these deep gutteral sounds, Rooo Rooo. and he loves to howl(sing). He is one independent MF though. He'll play king of the bed all day long but throw a ball and he just looks at me like. "what, I ain't going to get that"