You make a statement that "99% of all men" etc...etc.... then claim someone elses comment using the words "a high percentage" is a pretty bold statement?Uh oh… Upsets already….
Actually you take some freedom in quoting him changing "a high percentage" to "most"
Your not presenting yourself very well here man.....
You are suggesting that 99% of guys in jail or that have been in jail are engaging in homosexual activities?
Do you have such poor self control that maybe you are projecting a little?
.... Originally Posted by Whispers
My humblest apologies for offending you or your manhood or maybe both; I did not mean to imply, (even in an obscure way) that you are not 100% heterosexual.
My post is meant to be funny, but I can see now it is way too serious of a topic to be cracking jokes in.
I will try to do better to fit in next time.
For the record I am not gay, have a moral compass that is not so true as to prevent me from the hobby but it is certainly true enough to prevent me from sucking dick. I hate cock suckers they make me sick, well except for women cock suckers I kinda like them.
…and those gay guys I mentioned, they were not really friends, I just knew them from work.
Are we all better now?