Women with two Vaginas

carkido45's Avatar
If I was a mod, I would give you points for watching Tyra Banks. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Darn it I was asleep when you posted whatever you got points Big Jake sorry about that.
Well hey I like looking at Tyra Banks and then I heard two vaginas mentioned well that got my attention.... is that so bad.
The plumbing thing well was talked about between the women seems as though they can't wear one tampon they wear two and there periods are longer 21 days...the horror.
Whoops! Sorry Big Jake, had I known that it was offensive to show such a thing, I would have never asked. I feel at fault too.

I have seen some racey photos in the "Another Realm Forum",, I just checked it and they have deleted all the Hardcore Fetish Pic's too.http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=20716

Once again sorry about that.... I hope they take the points off and just do a warning,, I probably deserve the same for not observing the new rules..
Damn Big Jake,, it has not been your week for photos,, huh?

don't sweat it sugar. No skin off my back.
RG42's Avatar
  • RG42
  • 04-09-2010, 10:00 PM
I didn't see the episode, but have heard of the condition. It's basically a longitudinal septum in the vagina. So no, not two sets of plumbing, just one set with a wall down the middle. It rarely, if ever, extends all the way to the vaginal opening, so there is no appearance of two vaginas. The septum is just a membrane, so fingers or a penis would slide in next to it and likely not even feel it. OBGYNs may not even see it with a typical visual exam, often only soft tissue imaging can confirm.

carkido45's Avatar
Oh yeah Tyra did ask any men that were born with two penise's too call the show.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
So did you call, or were you afraid they'd see your ears?


carkido45's Avatar
Yeah SKF always thinking of me in that way.
Watch it you don't want another snot bubble.
pyramider's Avatar
Oh yeah Tyra did ask any men that were born with two penise's too call the show. Originally Posted by carkido45

Tyra pimping eHarmony now? 2 cooters, 2 cocks
SofaKingFun's Avatar
You are absolutely correct OASPDDBAG, I AM always thincking of you in that way; A penis with two ears on your shoulders and a double-vagina undercarriage who spends his afternoons watching Tyra Banks.

You guessed it.


carkido45's Avatar
You're Sofakingay
simpleton's Avatar
I thought all ladies had two vaginas. One in the front and one in the rear. that sure explains a lot.l.
TexasGator's Avatar
You're Sofakingay Originally Posted by carkido45
Perhaps your best post to date, ck(w/<#s). My apologies for any perceived (but never intended) underestimation.



Moving on up! carkido for President!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
You're Sofakingay Originally Posted by carkido45

Yeah, I know OASPDDBAG, but at least I don't spend my time sitting around watching...

...The Tyra Banks Show.

Have a great weekend and don't worry,
Tyra will be back on the air tomorrow.


carkido45's Avatar
Tyra Banks talking about vaginas... you better believe I going to watch that.
Sofakingfun do you have a problem with beautiful black women.
Do you have NBA policy?
so i am guessing if you squirt in either hole...your doomed? and slipping would no longer be a problem