If the Signature line area was filtered out of Provider Posts in all but AD Forums.... Do you thing they would post the same?

This subject in particular makes me scratch my head. I thought that the guys came here to acquire information about ladies they may be interested in seeing.

IMHO, there are 2 ways to get that info:
1) Read reviews, and while there are gentlemen that I feel are 100% credible, some of these reviews are pretty tongue in cheek. I mean really, did I just miss out on getting my schlong super-sized like most of the guys who in their reviews are "too big for her to take it all DT, but she really tried" or were amazed that "she was able to DT me and that is pretty surprising considering my size"??? Or how about the guys that get 2-3 nuts in a 30 minute session??? PuhLease!! Hell even one of the guys that I find 100% credible, got convinced that one lady was actually a pair of twins so the system is far from perfect!! Perhaps because I am a Mod and I read most if not all of the reviews, I am somewhat jaded, but come on now!!!! I am suppossed to find a lot of this credible and trustworthy information? IJS!!!
2) Follow a lady that you are interested in and read her posts and get familiar with her "posting habits". This is the old self alert in it's highest form!! Or maybe I become impressed with her marketing tactics, her wit and humor, and even find that I feel the chemistry would be pretty good based on her posting style and decide to book a session.

I guess because we (Mods) do read so much of what is here, we (Mods) get a little immune to some things, like signature lines. Once I have read it and made sure that it is compliant, I seldom even register them again unless something was changed.

I often wonder why if you (a general use of the pronoun, not anyone in particular) don't like the way that the Owners have structured the Board Posting Guidelines, that you would waste your time reading the Forums?? The ladies are here to advertise, pure and simple, so why get all bent when they do? They sure as hell ain't here for the deep intellectual conversations that go on. If all a Monger wanted was to read ads and look at pictures of prospects and never engage them in convo, there are plenty of quality outlets out there in cyberspace. But if we all are just a little honest with ourselves, that ain't nearly as much fun now, is it??

One reason there has never been a sustained Utopia is that everyone's idea of Utopia is just a little different from everyone else's and Utopia would be pretty lonely by oneself!!

[COLOR=#0000ff]I often wonder why if you (a general use of the pronoun, not anyone in particular) don't like the way that the Owners have structured the Board Posting Guidelines, that you would waste your time reading the Forums?? The ladies are here to advertise, pure and simple, so why get all bent when they do? They sure as hell ain't here for the deep intellectual conversations that go on.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Exactly, I come here to find people to fuck, pretty simple. Girls are here not only for the sense of community but for the visibility.
What is of "value" to one, may not be to others. It's subjective.

I, for one, like when the women post, it helps me further decide who I'd like to see BCD.' Originally Posted by CRamsey


Now can we get back to more important things. Like that sandwich

Now can we get back to more important things. Like that sandwich Originally Posted by homer13
Well are you going to eat it on the internet?
Well are you going to eat it on the internet? Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin

No but maybe you can tell me about the one you made earlier.
budman33's Avatar
99% of us come here to find someone paying to fuck or finding someone to pay to fuck. The benefit is that we can see showcases of photo's ( hopefully from this decade ) and elicit references to ensure relative safety (also hopefully from this decade ).

the banter in coed , etc is extra. if its blatant advertising, we all mostly know that but will ignore it personally. When some members feel the need to educate on the hobby and then only accept opinions when it reflects their own is the only thing that tends to irritate me.

sig lines? then remove them completely in co-ed and we'll get rid of some of them we are all so tired to see.
Whispers's Avatar
I agree.... Maybe they can do something about the automatic labels under Avatars..... "Valued Poster"? What have you EVER contributed of any value to the board?

I certainly appreciate your contributions to the community off the board but here?

Nothing useful to any other guys that can be seen anytime recently....
CRamsey's Avatar
Again, what is of "value" to one, may not be to others. It's subjective
Whispers's Avatar
Again, what is of "value" to one, may not be to others. It's subjective Originally Posted by CRamsey
Feel free to look over his last 50 posts and point to any value in them..... For a while now he simply follows me around taking shots where he can....

i know.. I know... it's not fair to pick on the drunks right?

H can't even muster uo entertainment value.....

then again.. that's just my opinion.....
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
So are you saying we shouldn't post in co-ed with our signature or we shouldn't post at all? It seems like both.

Geez....If anyone needs me I'll be in the kitchen, barefoot.

.....and no I'm not a feminist. It's lunch time.

And if you where over here you would be on my bed panting like a dog with elation while I was making you a killer sandwich.

How's that for a thrAD boys!

J/p I'm in a goofy mood today. I couldn't help but take ADvantage. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
See, this is a great ad!

Made me laugh.

I'm of the mind that there will always be threADs in coed. Mostly because we all draw the line at different points in the sand. Just like we see value in different things. Some of the guys around, I'm sure, love seeing threADs, especially with pictures. Some of the guys would rather not see anything even remotely suggesting an ad. Personally, I don't think it could be avoided that where a business entity and potential clients interact, there will be the perception that there is some self promotion going on - with both sides. That said, it's a bit of an eye sore to see posts where the thought/opinion contribution is three lines of normal text, then the sig line is twice the length in word count and 5 times the font size.

harkontume's Avatar
My own thoughts agree with Spacemtn.
The only reason I visit this is because of the Lady's .. all you swinging dicks could leave and if the girls stay ... wait!!! a hooker board with 400 wo0mens and me!

sigh! I could never keep up!

I would have to replicate myself like budman , .
btw.. what happened to bm1 thru 32?


Is there a BM34 waiting for BM33 to drown in his own vomit?

If so be careful BM33!
sixxbach's Avatar
Feel free to look over his last 50 posts and point to any value in them..... For a while now he simply follows me around taking shots where he can....
. Originally Posted by Whispers

Not trying to pile on budman33 but yeah one cant deny all his posts lately are taking shots at you.

I am sure he is making his provider buddies happy though....

Rumor has it that way back in the beginning days of ASPD the providers were not allowed to post anywhere but in the ad sections and that the sig lines could not have more than a cute little quote. The school of thought was that they would interfere with the value of information being shared in the discussion section. This evolved eventually(like back in 2000 or before!) and now it is almost unheard of to find any forums with the same purpose that do not allow the women to post in discussion areas. However, there are forums all over the U.S. ,and world for that matter, that have the same set up and do not allow sig lines to have information which would be considered advertisement. Even with this variation in rules women continue to post on all of these sort of boards and forums.

I guess my point is, it's not rocket science to figure out that it is extremely unlikely to go back to that once upon a time way of doing things. If it was a better way they probably would have done it already. Even if it had not changed here it would have become a noticeable trend somewhere and if it were truly a better model you would be able to link an example.. or two ..or three.

meow.. back to my cat house.
harkontume's Avatar
I just hit the like button for my own post!

That was fun.
I do that sometimes too but I never even think of it until I get at least one like and then I start getting all competitive. I also LOL at my own jokes and even things that aren't really jokes but just comments I'm semi embarrassed about making. I think you might become my new internet boyfriend since Rand is acting sassy lately and getting all picky about the dimensions of the box for our HGE.

Do you want to be my internet boyfriend? Check yes, no or maybe if you really mean no but want to be nice about it.



P.S How in the hell can I get my signature to be even bigger and more blatant? I'd really like an animated gif with rainbows shooting out of my butt and taking up most of the screen for like 15 seconds.

I just hit the like button for my own post!

That was fun. Originally Posted by harkontume