This subject in particular makes me scratch my head. I thought that the guys came here to acquire information about ladies they may be interested in seeing.
IMHO, there are 2 ways to get that info:
1) Read reviews, and while there are gentlemen that I feel are 100% credible, some of these reviews are pretty tongue in cheek. I mean really, did I just miss out on getting my schlong super-sized like most of the guys who in their reviews are "too big for her to take it all DT, but she really tried" or were amazed that "she was able to DT me and that is pretty surprising considering my size"??? Or how about the guys that get 2-3 nuts in a 30 minute session??? PuhLease!! Hell even one of the guys that I find 100% credible, got convinced that one lady was actually a pair of twins so the system is far from perfect!! Perhaps because I am a Mod and I read most if not all of the reviews, I am somewhat jaded, but come on now!!!! I am suppossed to find a lot of this credible and trustworthy information? IJS!!!
2) Follow a lady that you are interested in and read her posts and get familiar with her "posting habits". This is the old self alert in it's highest form!! Or maybe I become impressed with her marketing tactics, her wit and humor, and even find that I feel the chemistry would be pretty good based on her posting style and decide to book a session.
I guess because we (Mods) do read so much of what is here, we (Mods) get a little immune to some things, like signature lines. Once I have read it and made sure that it is compliant, I seldom even register them again unless something was changed.
I often wonder why if you (a general use of the pronoun, not anyone in particular) don't like the way that the Owners have structured the Board Posting Guidelines, that you would waste your time reading the Forums?? The ladies are here to advertise, pure and simple, so why get all bent when they do? They sure as hell ain't here for the deep intellectual conversations that go on. If all a Monger wanted was to read ads and look at pictures of prospects and never engage them in convo, there are plenty of quality outlets out there in cyberspace. But if we all are just a little honest with ourselves, that ain't nearly as much fun now, is it??
One reason there has never been a sustained Utopia is that everyone's idea of Utopia is just a little different from everyone else's and Utopia would be pretty lonely by oneself!!