Thanks Altus, being homeless is no joke to me. I'm blessed to still be partly sane after being out there two times. My first time tore me up hard, I was 18 just out of high school. I knew I was going to get kicked out, so I just packed up whatever I could in my 95 taurus 4:00 in the morning. Found this tiny little motel near Eastfield college, waited till they opened and caught a room. .. That whole week I just cried and drunk myself numb. That feeling still haunts me now, like I have no love coming in .. just the feeling of emptiness. I was blessed to find the people I did (friends of my mother boyfriend) .. they gave me odd jobs cleaning this office building near Rosehill Rd. in Garland .. I saved everything I could and took handouts (ate old/unwanted food, slept at my bosses house) .. From those times to now; I know I'm blessed to not have done desperate things. I'm blessed and I don't care about being rich, I'm cool with working the job I have now. I don't care if I sound crazy .. give me real love any day.
When I was alone during those times, I would just think about how bad others have it. I wasn't sick, I wasn't robbing people or in jail, I had a few people behind me while others don't. .. Just thinking like that really helped me. .. Helped me to understand I only got me, can't feel too sorry for myself. you know.
I hope you get to find that person before they go under. Pray for that person, be cool man.
Sorry to hijack the thread. .. had to respond.
This touched Me,as I have someone far away who is Homeless ...
Originally Posted by Altus62