We assume they're Muslims because of how the woman is dressed. Therefore, they must be our enemies.
First thing I thought of was "Really? Muslims can love? A muslim mother holding an injured or dead son? Maybe they are people, too."
Through the veiled sarcasm, I hope it points out the infinite value of each individual. That's why we must stop running off and randomly killing them just because they are brown.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, no, it points to the infinite value of propaganda on the naive. The nazi's never captured more than 37 % of the national assembly via elections, yet 80% of those polled in Egypt today think those who insult the death cult should be put to death. I imagine the percentage who'd like to eradicate the Jews and the United States is significantly higher.
They are the enemy, of everyone who is not one of them and many who are just not "enough" like them.
Pity for those who would gladly bash Elizabeth and every other woman on this forums heads in slowly with rocks? Yeah, I'll get back to you on that.