Timpage, do you think an Amish farmer should be able to sell his milk to his neighbors and people willing to cross a state line to get it? I think he should. My mother sold milk like this when I was a kid. Now it seems to be against a federal law and required a 5 AM sting operation to stop this perverted farmer. Riiighttt, our freedoms are better than ever.
How about a frequent flying woman who just wants to get home to Wyoming. She was not allowed to fly because she was a woman. They had no female screeners. If she had been a man then she could have flown but she was woman so the federal governement denied her right to fly and go home. They even knew she made this trip about every two weeks. Freedoms???
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
First, your examples are anecdotal. The number of people desiring amish milk is insignificant in the greater scheme of things. On the other hand, the number of children in the country who drink milk from the huge dairy operations who are responsible for 99.99% of the milk production in this country are, and ought be, required to comply with reasonable government regulations in order to ensure that the milk the kiddos are drinking is safe. Sound sensible? Or are you advocating the revocation of all regulations regarding the safe production of milk so that a couple of dozen amish farmers can sell their milk to a couple of hundred weirdos who like amish milk?
Second, one woman....out of the hundreds of thousands of people that fly every day, can't get to her destination because of the lack of a female TSA person to search her? That doesn't sound like a calamity that is an immediate threat to my freedom. Don't get me wrong, I fly a lot and totally agree that what we have to go through at security checkpoints at airports is an ineffective security measure that irritates the shit out of me. But it's a few minutes out of my life, not the end of my god-given freedoms.
As with COG's endless "The sky is falling, we are losing our freedom" nonsense, these examples of our supposed loss of freedom are not the kind of thing that are making me lay awake at night. It's mostly made-up politically driven bullshit designed to stir up the repukes to try to get them to turn out and vote for the GOP clowns running for POTUS. If a republican is elected, we'll stop hearing about it, even though nothing will change in regard to Amish milk sales and the occasional Wyoming traveler being delayed, because the conservative entertainment machine will stop harping on it, and people like you, who rely on the conservative entertainment industry for their opinions, will stop repeating it.
Carry on.