Segregation through redistricting - the new southern strategy of the GOP

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Exactly how did they fuc [sic] up?
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  • WTF
  • 02-16-2012, 06:09 PM
Isn't this and just about ever other threadin here about how fuc'd up the government is? Those muther fuc'ers gave us this form of government. They got all the credit for the last 200 years. Let'em take some of the blame. Fuc'em and anybody that worships them! Lol
The constitution we have now (and by extension our government and laws) isn't what we were handed by the Founding Fathers.

You cant blame Jefferson, Madison, et al for the mess we are in today.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Isn't this and just about ever other threadin here about how fuc'd up the government is? Those muther fuc'ers gave us this form of government. They got all the credit for the last 200 years. Let'em take some of the blame. Fuc'em and anybody that worships them! Lol Originally Posted by WTF
But of course, nothing to back up your statement. Typical WTF. LOL!

The constitution we have now (and by extension our government and laws) isn't what we were handed by the Founding Fathers.

You cant blame Jefferson, Madison, et al for the mess we are in today. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Yeah, for that, we'd have to deny freedom to blacks and make sure women and people without property couldn't vote. Yep, the racists, xenophobes and women-haters want their country back.

God, the stupid people pushing the "we want our country back" movement wouldn't understand half of what the founders wrote, let alone apply it.

It's like the overturned gay marriage ban in California - if we'd let Southerners use a majority vote on slavery in 1865 or in 1965, we'd still have it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2012, 06:45 PM
But of course, nothing to back up your statement. Typical WTF. LOL!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
you back it up all the time. All you do is bitch about the government. The founding fathers gave us this form of government. God Damn you are one slow fuc'er.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, I do back up what I say, either with logic or citations. I simply want to know what the Founders did to put us in the situation we are today. You made that point. I just want an example or two. Geez, that's all. No need to get so upset. Have you tried the therapy yet? Just sayin'.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2012, 07:13 PM
Therapy decided that the founding fa=hers that you are so fond of set up this form of government that you seem to hate so. Talk a about one conflicted are a shining example!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just an example, WTF. That's all. Geez. Try a different therapist.
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  • WTF
  • 02-16-2012, 08:11 PM
You are the example
COG is a Libertarian/Pauler. Libertarians are wannabe 1%'ers who think they shouldn't have to work OR pay taxes and that government provides nothing of value.

They use all the infrastructure that government has created but don't want to pay the maintenance to keep it up.

Road and bridge repair, water treatment facilities, firemen, police, the military and all those things should just exist so that roving gangs don't bother their plot of land and all the stuff Alex Jones told them to store for the coming revolution.

They also make lousy lifeguards since they believe all people should take responsibility for teaching themselves to swim.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You know nothing of Libertarians, my friend.
You know nothing of Libertarians, my friend. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Au Contraire, my friend. I forgot to add that you're all closet anarchists who should have gone when Lyndon LaRouche called for the colonization of Mars.

You could have had thousands of acres of good red dirt to grow peanuts with legacy seeds and you could have kept all the genetically modified foods off the planet.

It would have been a virtual panacea for your kind and you could have adopted a constitution like ours but without all those troublesome amendments.

Hey, GP, sorry for adding to the hijack. I firmly agree that the 1%'ers are trying to alter the outcome of elections by gerrymandering, fake hysteria over infinitesimally small amounts of voter fraud, corporate personhood to buy elections and a fascist/activist/lobby-loving Supreme Court
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
At least you're entertaining. I'll give you that much.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Yeah, for that, we'd have to deny freedom to blacks and make sure women and people without property couldn't vote. Yep, the racists, xenophobes and women-haters want their country back.

God, the stupid people pushing the "we want our country back" movement wouldn't understand half of what the founders wrote, let alone apply it.

It's like the overturned gay marriage ban in California - if we'd let Southerners use a majority vote on slavery in 1865 or in 1965, we'd still have it.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Once again Little Blind Boy declaims the Founding Fathers. Once again he lies and deceives. He would have readers believe that every nation in the 18th century enfranchised women and slaves; yet, he is quite unable to name a single prominent nation that did so. Little Stevie remains an inveterate dumbass.