Texas Warrant Roundup? What the fuck?

Better pull your pants up and run. They will get you...sooner or later. Even when you renew your license. I speak from experience. And, they do take your shit, and your ass, and everything connected to it, and they throw it in lockup until you bail out. And then when you don't pay again, they do it again. But, you get to meet a lot interesting people, and the free baloney sandwiches are a plus.
Not to mention that you may never be constipated again, ever, in your life.
No theydon't. Just do yourself a favor and take care of it. I have personal knowledge of this and they will come get you.
nuglet's Avatar
Nah.. do us all a favor and ignore it.. It's all bull. You can relax.. don't worry about it.
Well, I dont wanna pay one red cent. Originally Posted by pantsontheground
I think they offer an option where you don't pay anything.
Fuck da police.
Ccryder's Avatar
I still say scare tactic. Th ey dont actually know they have the right address, they sent a letter they dont know if you got it. how would they know where you work? they ask you for that when you got hte ticket? I think they prolly forgive all of the TV staion execs tickets so they will run the story. BTW I pay my tickets, just so I dont get any scary letters.
Whispers's Avatar
I might be mistaken on this but I think they have the right to come take you shit if you don't pay up. Is that correct? I know it is possible when you win a small claims court case and the other party does not pay. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
It is not very practical or easy for anyone to take anything from anyone in Texas.

Lots of exemptions protect most of the people that get sued or do not take care of things they owe and end up getting chased for money owed. people worth chasing tend to just pay their bills or have a lawyer handle things for them.

all winning a claim in court is going to give you is a judgment that you then get filed and it sits around for ever and ever. because a judgment can be used to secure a lien on real property such as land or a house it make it difficult for somone to buy anything with a mortgage and if they own the lien has to be satisfied so eventually you might get paid.

This is a criminal court issue.

totally different.

You don't have to pay.

You can sit out the fines in jail instead!
I'm telling you, go to Vegas. Enjoy your last days of freedom for a while. Go to the bunny ranch, hit the casinos. Have fun. and maybe get yourself arrested over there. I think the Vegas jails are a lot more fun. Or at least the last time I was there, but I wasn't wanted in Texas at the time like you are plus me and my bros got into a fight with some bikers at a bar and resisted arrest. It was fun and we even continued the fighting in the jail. I recently spoke to my bros and told them that we need to go back to Vegas, we have unfinished business over there.
DEPmic05's Avatar
They will come and pick you up in time. Seen it happen before. They'll even come over on the weekend, banking on the fact that you will likely be at home. Or, you get pulled over during a traffic stop, they run your license and see that you have a warrant. In time, they will come for you.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This is called "round-up". I was at a party last night with someone who works for the police department in Austin (not a police officer), and she says this is the busiest time of the year for her. Numerous warrants being served and lots of paperwork.

Good luck!!
It's really just a game of Russian Roulette. Eventually you will lose.

If you are resourceful, you can find out, down to the block, when the fuzz will be in your neighborhood...on your block trying to wrangle you up. You don't want to have your car home at that time. Of course there are vigilante cops that will lay in wait for you just because they want to, have nothing better to do and want the credit for your arrest.

They use a similar system when they go block by block to do evictions, even though this is done through the county courts.

Also, don't attend any seminars or respond to any mail that says "you're a winner!"

Better yet, quit being a deadbeat and pay your shit off.
Don't listen to them. Go to the Vegas Strip.
Dont answer the door ! Duh !
Lay in bed laughing at the dumbass pigs knocking on the door at 5am.
Eventually they catch up to you.
But make em work for it. Make your over taxed dollars do something for god's sake!!!
Body Count said it best