Are YOU In the FBI Guardian Database?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Yeah, yeah, cpl-j, I was there during that. Even went up to the State Capitol to be in a little meeting with dynamic Dewey Bartlett. The Holiday Inn in Noral was full of OHP and the National Guard was hanging out at North Base. Everyone was doing their part. Well, we turned in the guys'n'gals from Berkeley and Madison so they could do their mischief in the Cleveland County jail while the peaceful day came and went. The danger of another Kent State existed only in the minds of the gov and "law" enforcement. Pissed them off real good when things didn't turn out like they wanted/expected and this was primarily because they stayed the hell away.

You and COF should actually stick to things you know about, but then again, where would the comic relief come from?

If you want to be useful, back up a few postings and get to work on my suggestion to photoshop the pic of COF. More down your alley.