Wolfe gets full retail on new stuff. You can usually do better than that.Always be sure to print off an ad from an internet dealer and take it with you to any brick and mortar retailer you might visit. Ask to see the gear you're interested in, and then present the ad and ask very simply, "Can you match it?" If the ad is from a reputable internet dealer (and the retailers know the reputable ones from a fly by night con that may have posted a bogus price to lure you in), you've got a fair chance of them saying yes. Most retailers realize these days that they have to compete with remote retailers who work worldwide off the internet. Or at least that they have to compete for the informed consumer, who will be buying new lenses and accessories for a very long time after the initial purchase. But you have to present the price to them, first. The uninformed who don't check on the internet still pay full price.
However, they occasionally get factory-refurbished gear, and the deals on that can be quite good. Several years ago, I got a refurb Canon Elan IIE, with the 35-80mm zoom lens, for less than what the Rebel 2000 would have cost me new. I was VERY happy with it, and still have it, but I have since dragged myself kicking and screaming into the digital age with a Nikon D80. (I very carefully considered, and eventually ruled out, the comparable Canon digital SLRs. Long story why, but PART of it was a friend's experience with the Digital Rebel.) Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Never tried that with Wolfe, but it's worked for me every time at a couple of other non-chain retailers. PM me if you want more information. I could, of course, just buy the gear off the 'net, but I still like the idea of walking into a store and walking out with what I want right then and there.