Impeach Eric Holder

I dont think arming the Mexican Drug Cartels and that resulting in the deaths of 2 federal agents would have gone over in the Bush/Cheney Admin. That sort of thing really pisses off people on the right. Originally Posted by Grifter
Do you mean like you're still pissed off over the immoral invasion of Iraq, all the civilian casualties, and lying to Pat Tillman's family for years when you knew all along it was untrue "intelligence", a disregard for Iraqi civilians and Tillman's death was the fault of our own forces and then a cover-up that went at least as far as Cheney, if not all the way to Bush?

That kind of pissed?

And I really love how the fringe loonies are apparently now defending McCarthy and saying his only mistake was reading an inaccurate number in his speech.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are changing the subject, Stevie. Stay on point, please, or we will have to send you to the end of the line. Remember, Bush screwing up does NOT mean Obama gets to screw up. Write that on the chalkboard 100 times, and return to class.