Alexandria Pelosi Shows The Other Side

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  • WTF
  • 03-20-2012, 07:31 PM

But in all honesty, compared to all of the other taxes I pay, the property taxes are miniscule.
. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Mine were close to 80k, I'd have to look up what % goes to HISD but I have never had a kid in HISD or any other school. It is aganist my religion! LOL

My point again is that we all pay for shit that we do not approve of. If that was the basis for taxes....none of us would pay a dime!
Doove's Avatar
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  • 03-20-2012, 08:44 PM
Rush makes millions because he generates millions in revenue. Originally Posted by Grifter
That doesn't mean he deserves it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And how would you determine who should make what, O Omniscient Doofe? Does Peyton Manning deserve the $90 million he is being offered? Do movie stars deserve $10 million per film? Do certain CEO's deserve several million dollars a year? How would you make the decision, O Doofe of us all? Prithee, tell us. Enlighten us with your wisdom.

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  • Doove
  • 03-20-2012, 10:05 PM
And how would you determine who should make what, O Omniscient Doofe? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm ok with Rush Limbaugh making $30M/yr. If it didn't go to him, then it would only go to whomever is immediately above him in the corporate hierarchal chain. I've said that more than once. But i've also said that what he's worth in a capitalistic sense isn't what he's worth in a societal sense.

One person "fighting for my freedoms" is worth 1,000,000 Rush Limbaughs. But since that's not where the money flows, then i'm also ok with a system of taxation which partially corrects for that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So how much should they make?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
oops, sorry.

How much should they make?

<<<< almost forgot that
We all pay for things that we do not approve of, the church should be no different. The church is no better than Ms Flike in this regard. That has been my point. Rush is a hypocrite. Albeit a rich one! Originally Posted by WTF
If you believe in the Constitution, the government shall make no law abridging the freedom to practice one's religion.

Both the church and Ms Fluke are equal in that regard.

It's the federal government that is the villain here.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-21-2012, 05:51 AM
oops, sorry.

How much should they make?

<<<< almost forgot that Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They should make what the market determines. I think i was pretty clear on that.

Racing to 14,000 posts, are ya?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Well at least I did not have to watch that shit on HBO.
Interesting that Maher did not recognize the racism of the blacks but could readily claim he want a racist because he gave Obama a million bucks. Maybe he shold have bought some bigger lifts for his shoes.
Ann Coulter has said that Maher suffers from 'little man syndrome".

But for some reason, it would not surprise me that behind the scenes, they are having a steamy love affair.

As much as I distain Bill Maher's politics, I cannot help but laugh at his material. And since he is a commedian, he wins that round.
That doesn't mean he deserves it. Originally Posted by Doove
So you dont believe in captialism at all? He is worth whatever someone is willing to pay him, good investment of money or not hes worth it by the very definition of the word. Any other standard of determining compensation is a hallmark of a society with less personal freedom and Im not on board with that.
If you believe in the Constitution, the government shall make no law abridging the freedom to practice one's religion.

Both the church and Ms Fluke are equal in that regard.

It's the federal government that is the villain here. Originally Posted by OccasionalStray
This. Getting federal money doesnt entitle the federal government to ignore the constitution. If it did we could do a shitload more with the people on welfare to make it less attractive.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-21-2012, 10:56 AM
This. Getting federal money doesnt entitle the federal government to ignore the constitution. If it did we could do a shitload more with the people on welfare to make it less attractive. Originally Posted by Grifter
Now you are starting to see the light. We should not make welfare attractive. Either to Ms Fluke or the God Damn Church or university.

If you want to give to some church or welfare program, you should not be allowed to deduct it from your taxes. It just means others will have to pick up your tax burden.

Getb it thru your head that both Rush and Ms Fluke are wrong. But Ms Fluke is at least not running around acting like she is not wanting others to be on the government tit while she is. That is the problem I have with you hard headed right wingers. You do not hate all welfare!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I agree with WTF on this one, however, I would scrap the entire tax code. Our income tax system encourages this type of hypocrisy, and we will never solve the debt problem with our current code.