Dick Cheney gets a heart transplant

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-24-2012, 10:38 PM
No it's the truth.

http://drhelen.blogspot.com/2009/07/...ot-having.html Originally Posted by joe bloe
How's about you get drhelen.blogspot.com to post an un-butchered version of the conversation between Obama and the lady asking the question?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Now, that's a lie. Present hard facts or evidence. Under Obamacare, healthcare systems are held accountable for "failure" and re-admissions. THEY are actually scrambling, because they NOW have to be held responsible for the patient in their care and after-care. Who would've thunck? Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Heres your hard facts and evidence

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-25-2012, 01:16 AM
He got a heart because he waited for 20 months; the average wait time is six months to three years. It doesn't sound like he was given priorty over anybody. Once Obamacare kicks in old people won't get any kind of heroic treatment; it's not cost effective.

I remember in a town hall meeting, a woman told Obama that her aging mother had gotten a pacemaker six years earlier; apparently her life had been prolonged. Obama basically told her that under his proposed system her mother would have been given pain killers and sent home. Originally Posted by joe bloe
not taking either side, but thats not what he said ... the youtube clip statement proves that
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-25-2012, 01:24 AM
Az Gov. Jan Brewer took 100 people off the medicare transplant list in 011. The state government was too broke to afford their transplants.

Brewer runs the state budget into the ground, and to fix it she decides who lives and who dies? Thats a republican for you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
At least we now know who the really creepy, pathetic lefties are (like we didn't know). Remember folks, these are the people who claim to be morally superior.
macdeft's Avatar
the dying guy was being sarcastic and said hey make sure my heart goes to dick cheney
Considering the potential life threatening status of Dick Cheney's condition, I will yield to my dearly departed Mother's wishes.

She used to tell me, "if you don't have something good to say about someone, don't say anything at all!"

This is for you Mr. "Someone!" _____ ____!!!!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-25-2012, 06:17 AM
Heres your hard facts and evidence

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-dQfb8WQvo Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
This is the same butchered out of context video that Joe Bloe linked to. Please pay attention.
waverunner234's Avatar
Considering the potential life threatening status of Dick Cheney's condition, I will yield to my dearly departed Mother's wishes.

She used to tell me, "if you don't have something good to say about someone, don't say anything at all!"

This is for you Mr. "Someone!" _____ ____!!!!! Originally Posted by bigtex
joe bloe's Avatar
This is the same butchered out of context video that Joe Bloe linked to. Please pay attention. Originally Posted by Doove
To speak to the broader point, it's clear that the Democrat's long term plan is to ration health care. This is already being done all over the world in countries with single payer systems.

The Democrats intend to create a system that chooses which patients will get expensive life saving procedures based on cost to benefit ratio analysis.To put it simply, they're going to let the old people die; pain killers not pacemakers. The funding is already in place for the bureacracy to implement the program. Obama put the funding (1.1 billion) for the agency in his so called stimulus bill. The agency is called The Federal Coordinating Council for Effectiveness Research; Sarah Palin called a death panel.

It's times like this that liberals show their true colors. To not show compassion to a dying man, to not wish him well is contemptible. Liberals have no class. Originally Posted by joe bloe

If you are rich you can step over ones younger that need hearts.I have had two friends in their 50's who died waiting,because they were on the bottom of the list because of age.
joe bloe's Avatar
If you are rich you can step over ones younger that need hearts.I have had two friends in their 50's who died waiting,because they were on the bottom of the list because of age. Originally Posted by ekim008
I don't believe you.
The agency is called The Federal Coordinating Council for Effectiveness Research; Sarah Palin called a death panel. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Are you speaking of the same Sarah "Governor Quitter" Palin who reluctantly admitted, in March 2010, that her family used to get treatment in Canada's single payer health care system, despite demonizing such government-run health care systems as socialized medicine that will eventually lead to death-panel rationing of medical services?

Is that the same Sarah Palin you were referring to?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-25-2012, 09:29 AM
To speak to the broader point, it's clear that the Democrat's long term plan is to ration health care. This is already being done all over the world in countries with single payer systems. Originally Posted by joe bloe
To speak to the broader point, you've shown yourself as being willing to lie to make a point that benefits your side.

The Democrats intend to create a system that chooses which patients will get expensive life saving procedures based on cost to benefit ratio analysis.
The Democrats can't create a system that already exists.

To put it simply, they're going to let the old people die; pain killers not pacemakers.
You're lying again. But even if this were true, how is that any worse than letting young people die because they languish in an inability to afford health care? Or languish without healthcare because they're denied care for a pre-existing condition?

Your problem is that every problem your deluded mind conjures up about Obamacare is, in reality, a problem that already exists. I think they call that a conundrum.

Furthermore, there's nothing in Obamacare that prevents people from paying for any medical treatment they may wish to pay for on their own. So there are no death panels. Which begs the questions, why doesn't your position on Sandra Fluke carry over to the old people that you say Obama wants to let die?
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I detest the man but I don't wish bad health on anyone really...