Do you have change for a $20 ????

Never crossed my mind ever to ask for change, like most guys I hit the ATM before a session. If I'm over a few bucks no biggie, I think asking for change at that point would make a providers vagina as dry as the Sahara. However, I have left appointments wanting my money back, but those were all before I found ECCIE.
pyramider's Avatar
To do that is completely tasteless. But it's happened to me. "Elisabeth ... do you have a ten"?

Shaking my head. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Butt do you validate?
LeftySmith's Avatar
I don't mind the 150/250 so much; if that is the donation I leave Bens and Grants. But what does annoy me is providers who list 225 or 275. I mean shit babe, leaving a 5 on a stack of twenties would make me feel a bit too penny pinching. I'm not denying it, I AM a penny pincher (that's how I was able to come see you in the first place), but you don't have to throw it in my face. Just make the rate 220 and 280 respectively for Pete's sake.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Sounds like a SW thing.

"Hey Baby, do me for 50?" "Well get in and let's do it." Later ---- "Oh, I'm sorry all I have are 20's, got change?" "No?, take 40 and get out or do something more to get the extra 10"

Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Ahaha, I used to get asked this in Vancouver ALLLLLL the time a few years ago. They'd bring 260 and ask for a 10 back. I had to put it on my website that I did not keep cash on me or provide change. Eventually I just made my rate an ATM friendly number (280) so that the question stopped.

Once I had someone ask me if they could pay in loonies and toonies ($1 and $2 coins). I had no problem with this (as a one time thing) as I needed them to park at uni and I thought they'd be wrapped. He showed up with them in 2 grocery store bags. I did inform him in advance that the counting would be coming out of his time
Just as WE are prepared for your time... YOU should be prepared. If $10 is that important.. then stop at a store and get change before heading over. I mean you were well aware of the donation anyway.

I did hear of a guy give a lady her donation... but the last $10 was in ones... and the 10th one was in quarters and dimes.. because he felt that she needed to cover the meter for parking...
I don't expect change.

But if you want to give me a tip....that's ok.

[Don't know why you would. Most ladies want to charge extra when they see it's me.]
Hahahaha, that just seems tacky! I have cash on me all the time so if I guess if they wanted changed I would give it to them.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Once I had someone ask me if they could pay in loonies and toonies ($1 and $2 coins). I had no problem with this (as a one time thing) as I needed them to park at uni and I thought they'd be wrapped. He showed up with them in 2 grocery store bags. I did inform him in advance that the counting would be coming out of his time Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-25-2012, 03:18 PM
if going to charge odd numbers. then should have change.

so make your rates that can be divided by 20 Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
So you are predudiced against guys who pay in 50s or 100s?

Or she can just charge an extra 10 for guys to lazy to get change, sort of like the places who charge extra for CCs.
  • Paven
  • 03-25-2012, 04:47 PM
Yes Sweet, it happened to me once in my first 6 months of providing. He asked for change and I said "Do you see a cash register anywhere?" lol
burkalini's Avatar
There is no such thing as a provider that has change. It's a fucking myth. Sometimes I think that's why they price on the odd dollar to get a built in tip. Shit that is how I would do it. lol
I would never ask for change.
pyramider's Avatar
Yes Sweet, it happened to me once in my first 6 months of providing. He asked for change and I said "Do you see a cash register anywhere?" lol Originally Posted by Paven

No boobie bank?
rodog44's Avatar
Just go prepared. asking for change would be totaly TACKY.