Thinking of going with brown hair

yaddayadda's Avatar
Could you leave just one streak of blond hair?
Sudzny's Avatar
Could you leave just one streak of blond hair? Originally Posted by yaddayadda
Oh yeah, that would be HOT!
I must agree with Syeira. Love the darker hair.
  • Junky
  • 04-20-2010, 03:55 PM
My personal preference in order: red, then brown then blonde... but, dyamn, you are hot no matter what.
I love dark brown hair on a tan body with beautiful blue or green eyes. I also love auburn hair on a tan body. Strawberry blonde, Dirty blonde, wheeewwwwwww

I remember meeting you at OES years ago and thinking, "Dayum, she is smoking hot!". I never scheduled with you, but I think you are smoking hot regardless of the hair color. But, I do love the longer hair better. How about brown with highlights?
Apollo!'s Avatar
Dark hair women are so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by syeira pink
+1 ..
Always had a weakness for brunettes, myself.

My $.02
You're a Sweetheart no matter what color your hair is. If you are bored with blonde, then try brunette for awhile. Hair color is not permanent. Now, turn off the light and cum find me!!! LOL!!!!
You're a Sweetheart no matter what color your hair is. If you are bored with blonde, then try brunette for awhile. Hair color is not permanent. Now, turn off the light and cum find me!!! LOL!!!! Originally Posted by OleDog
You got it! I am on my way, get ready babe.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Here's another vote for the best of both worlds.......strawberry blonde!

<<<<<<Halfway to 666
Mr. Heffner's Avatar
What an interesting threAD.

I say go brown. Your extreme bleached look looks too 1980's, IMO. Good luck. Heff
What an interesting threAD.

I say go brown. Your extreme bleached look looks too 1980's, IMO. Good luck. Heff Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
Thanks Heff, I think I will go with the brown. It wasnt bleached babe it was summer blonde just like it was when you came to see me and said you liked it, remember?
Bestman200600's Avatar
I thought Tara was a natural blonde until I started giving her Daty. She looks fine just the way she is. I wouldn't change a thing.
gptxman's Avatar
I know since I started in the hobby you have had blonde hair (brighter and different than any other provider) and it is you signature in a way to me (very easy to spot in pictures). I myself love dark haired women so I know I will love the way you look with the darker hair but it will take a while to get use to knowing you in pictures again.

Do what makes you happy and in turn us guys will be happy also (after a secession with you at least).
I know it will be different without the blonde hair. I have always been know in the hobby as the girl that looks like the blonde barbiedoll are the blonde California babe. But now I can just be the dark barbie with the dark hair and the blue eyes. I hope everybody will like it. I am getting it done soon, and will have new pics. Thanks again for everybody's input.