Providers Honest Response

  • anita
  • 03-27-2012, 08:17 AM
Well, degrading comments hurt. I had some guys calling me ugly while commenting on a review. The problem was the fact that it was said in a rude way. Or maybe it was just the fact that I have never been called that before. But yes, I said "was" because I got over it. And that is what you should do, don't loose sleep over it.

As far as the 'no' goes, it just means he personally didn't enjoy his time with you. It doesn't mean it is game over for you, so keep your chin up. But, lol, you did not need to include your location if you didn't want people to see this as a threAD.
might I suggest something about reviews?

once a review is posted, good or bad.. it gets LOCKED after set number of days so it becomes READ only. This way anyone who is active will see it and can choose to make a comment but once it is locked those who read it cannot comment and revive it.. the post will move its way back to the end of the pile....

bad reviews are controversial good reviews are nothing more than the sports announcer telling us what happening on the "field"

Every lady has off days.... .so do guys.. so if a lady has a bad review or 2 maybe her game was off or the chemistry did not click just right..

But I think any review should have a set number of days for comments to be posted before it is locked so that the "banter" is kept to a minimum..

it is sad when you read a review, then 1 month later the review is still being talked about which keeps it alive and at the top of the list...

how many people here read the newspaper from 2 weeks ago?

You are right, no one here knows you, now having said that, you complain about a bad review and then put your phone number and location in the post. We may not know you, however, we know you are trying to slip in some advertising.

I wish these provider learn how to do a threAD, it does not bother me to read them, its how they are done. You are supposed to go all out. Make it pop, make it interesting, cuz, some people may call this a drama thread.

Boobs pics help......... men like pics.
But unless you have met and talked with me YOU Have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK OR DEFILE MY CHARACTER . I DO NOT SLANDER OTHER PEOPLE ON THIS SITE. Actually I rarely have time to sit and read all these post and judge others.
Originally Posted by krissyKisses
I have talked to you sweetie, right after a 'incident'. fishy. This isn't the place for this though; I'll follow up in Infoshare or the ladies' room and we can discuss it there, or not. Happy Hobbying.
One bad review overtakes many good reviews. And timing is a factor. If the bad review is recent, then it is given more weight than previous good reviews, as it may be an indication of declining attitude/service. Of course, one has to weight the validity of the poster, too... I give much less credence to a new poster over a more established one... good or bad review. Yes, I understand YMMV and some people don't clique, and I also understand a lady can have a bad day (but if she is having a bad day and knows it, she should just cancel the appointment rather than trying to fake her way through it... a bad review can result and she might even loose a long-term client over it if the guy is a regular).
Us ladies are strong to deal with what goes on in this "hobby life". I personally havent had a bad review. But i totally separate this life, with my life. I dont think it would matter to me either way. You only do your best and be who you are with these men. Sometimes obviously it isnt enough.
Sarunga's Avatar
Us ladies are strong to deal with what goes on in this "hobby life". I personally havent had a bad review. But i totally separate this life, with my life. I dont think it would matter to me either way. You only do your best and be who you are with these men. Sometimes obviously it isnt enough. Originally Posted by Kammye
That is IT. If this is done to perfection, you will do very well.
you guys are harsh! The poor girl is offended. Maybe it was a slip tat she added that extra bt of info or maybe she wanted someone to come visit to contradict the negative reviews. Whatever the case, should it really matter? We see threADs all the time. Angry much?
It's a shame that Krissy who is one of the most honest providers I have met and always I mean always gives her A game gets slammed the way she does. I can find something wrong in any pro if I try but thats wasted energy. Krissy always does her best and gives great service. I think a person warrants a bad review if they give crappy service, I thought that was the purpose of this site. Krissy just learn from your mistakes and move on, even giving this 1 minute of your time is a waste. people have the right to write a review they seem fit. I can honestly say Krissy is one of the few pro I trust, she actually wants to make people happy. I have seen pro who could care less, this one actually cares about pleasing you and making you happy.
I can understand a lady being upset about a bad review.. there are different types.. the ones that state that the lady's game was off and basically say "YMMV" then you have the ones that nit pick and go into detail like how the towels were not folded in her bathroom.. Others will post that they went in expecting X, Y, and Z but was told Y was not on the menu (which means someone did not research) or they read it in a review and some guy posted that she DID do it... again its all YMMV and chemistry.

My advice for the wooden nickel its worth is read the review, try to improve and move on..

We have had ladies on here who have hit slumps... and they recovered.. some have not..

but don't let it get to you too much... some guy did not have as much fun as he thought he should..
cumalot's Avatar
Even with a positive review there are those that post there coments that are negative from guys that haven't even bought the ticket. Negative statements seem to last longer than the positive statements for some reason which makes it harder for the OP and the provider to deal with and sucks. Putting 2 cents in may not get you change, but it will get you attention...just like this thread...speak up and stand up, but be right when you do.
dearhunter's Avatar
Sometimes I miss McKenzie......ijs.
cumalot's Avatar
Sometimes I miss McKenzie......ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Who the hell is Mckenzie?? ija
Is this a hijacking?? ija
I totally agree with this part! Providers are real people, not robots. When two people meet, there isn't always the greatest chemistry and that's just the way it is. If you decide to go into the session and the provider performs services as promised, was polite, and did not short you, I see no reason to post a negative review. Providers are not responsible for "magical chemistry" that produces mindblowing sessions every single time. A bad review is just one person's opinion and does not make or break a provider. Even if it was done for precisely that reason. You can still post an honest review, without degrading a provider. It's still just your opinion though. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

I completely agree!
cumalot's Avatar
I totally agree with this part! Providers are real people, not robots. When two people meet, there isn't always the greatest chemistry and that's just the way it is. If you decide to go into the session and the provider performs services as promised, was polite, and did not short you, I see no reason to post a negative review. Providers are not responsible for "magical chemistry" that produces mindblowing sessions every single time. A bad review is just one person's opinion and does not make or break a provider. Even if it was done for precisely that reason. You can still post an honest review, without degrading a provider. It's still just your opinion though. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I agee too very well said...