Cool places youve been: no restrictions: Hints for travel and places to go when you get there

runswithscissors's Avatar
Recently returned from Hong Kong; if anything, the city is more vibrant, more alive, a New York City on steroids...You can slip from Thailand to Hong Kong fairly easily, or vice a versa. Hong Kong is truely something to experience in your lifetime. It was a working trip for me, but I usually eat my way from one end of the city to the other.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-22-2010, 11:17 AM
Geography can be tough.Before I started to travel a lot I actually thought that Australia was a country in Europe. Originally Posted by Becky
Yo sister girl.... Australia ain't in Europe? I thought that is where yo goverator is from!

All great travel destinations....I wonder if you lived for any length of time at any place if it would get old? I start missing my shit hole of a city if I'm gone long! Whats up with dat?
Yo sister girl.... Australia ain't in Europe? I thought that is where yo goverator is from!
Originally Posted by WTF
Don't confuse me now
TexTushHog's Avatar
I guess I didn't read closely enough. I can give you boucoups of information on Paris, too. My stomping ground, more so than Provence.
Is that the ignorant Texas spelling of "beaucoup"?
discreetgent's Avatar
I guess I didn't read closely enough. I can give you boucoups of information on Paris, too. My stomping ground, more so than Provence. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Is that the ignorant Texas spelling of "beaucoup"? Originally Posted by pjorourke
PJ, didn't you read RK's post how everything is better in Texas?
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I enjoyed the Louvre also, but really need more than a few days to see it. I've been to the pyramids and the Cairo Museum which was extremely insteresting. I spent 3 weeks in Marseilles hanging out with some French Foreign Legionaires, very interesting.

I also found Haifa, Israel to be a very nice place for the people. Nagoya, Japan was a bit intimidating all alone and don't get me started on electronic toilets that have buttons with kanji text. Don't push the one that means bidet if you aren't expecting it.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I'm not a world traveler. The Carribean cruise I took was the most fun and interesting. I highly recommend it. I've also taken road trips and taken advantage of "Scenic" routes. Truly beautiful hidden gems are everywhere. Wash, DC was very interesting.

At times I enjoy traveling alone. Other times with a group. Still other times with family or another person. Business travel. I've even taken a provider for a weekend getaway. Seems like is all good.
Sydneyb's Avatar
and don't get me started on electronic toilets that have buttons with kanji text. Don't push the one that means bidet if you aren't expecting it. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler

I have that toliet! I always wanted a bidet and after a trip to Beijing I found out I could have one in an American bathroom (got the toto, the chinese versions of those were shorting out and starting fires - THAT would be unexpected ;-). Okay, I totally hijacked myself here...

Pleaser, I've never been on a cruise - whats a good one? Being I have this obsession with getting certified in stuff, I may want to take one of those smaller cruises where you learn how to run the sails. But its probably more luxurious to just let them take care of you...
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Pleaser, I've never been on a cruise - whats a good one? Being I have this obsession with getting certified in stuff, I may want to take one of those smaller cruises where you learn how to run the sails. But its probably more luxurious to just let them take care of you... Originally Posted by Sydneyb
Sydney, I went on Carnival when I was 21. It seems they cater to the younger crowd. I also went while schools were in session. Fewer high school people and college folks. Still plenty of attractive singles. It was nice not to "work" on the cruise. A lot of fun activities onboard. The ports of call had excursions for every taste. I enjoyed the variety of beautiful women, and I "dated" many during the cruise. Even had ladies asking me out.

fyi, bcd activites also occured.

Check online for reviews, etc. of different cruise lines. I know a guy that's going on Carnival to the Carribean in May. Remind me to report his experience.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Is that the ignorant Texas spelling of "beaucoup"? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I spelled it phonetically so the ignorant among you would be able to read it!
I spelled it phonetically so the ignorant among you would be able to read it! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ah, ne vous occupez alors jamais. Pardonnez-moi.
notdeadyet's Avatar
Bali is a wonderful place. Nice people, not expensive, great sightseeing, fine scuba diving.

And as regards whether Australia is a part of Europe, the following from, allegedly, questions asked to the Australism Tourism Office:

Q: Can you send me the Vienna Boys' Choir schedule? (USA)
A: Aus-tri-a is that quaint little country bordering Ger-many, which is...oh forget it. Sure, the Vienna Boys Choir plays every Tuesday night in Kings Cross, straight after the hippo races. Come naked.
I can give you boucoups of information on Paris, too. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Is that the ignorant Texas spelling of "beaucoup"? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I spelled it phonetically so the ignorant among you would be able to read it! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I'm just an ignorant rube who has spent virtually his whole life in Texas, but it seems to me that a phonetical spelling of beaucoup might look something like this:

chinese versions of those were shorting out and starting fires - THAT would be unexpected ;-).

At least they come with their own fire extinguishers.

Pleaser, I've never been on a cruise - whats a good one? Being I have this obsession with getting certified in stuff, I may want to take one of those smaller cruises where you learn how to run the sails. But its probably more luxurious to just let them take care of you... Originally Posted by Sydneyb
When I was in 11th grade (damn, a long time ago), our family of 5 went on a trip around the world...cruised most of the way. Set sail in SF, landed in Barcelona. Stops in Hawaii, Tokyo, Yokohama, Manila, Singapore, Mumbai, Aden, Suez Canal, Cairo, Valley of the Kings, Barcelona. Then, by air, Madrid, Paris, London, Edinburgh, and finally NYC (one stop in Goose Bay, after all, the plane was a turboprop).

BTW, I am still amazed by the fact that the ship can be pitching this way and that (went thru a monsoon in the Indian Ocean), and you can still play ping pong on the deck. For some reason the pitching of the deck does not affect the game. Anyone want to explain that????

Cruise opportunities then and now are soooooo different. Yes, the Windjammer cruises are probably pretty nice. From merely an observer's standpoint, I think Royal Caribbean Line is probably the most professional. You probably need to "cruise" the sites to find out the kind of experience you want, then head that direction.