Columbian Prostitution Scandal

I B Hankering's Avatar

I'd hit it. Originally Posted by KCJoe

That dumbass stiffed her. Shit, he doesn't deserve to be in the Secret Service.
  • Laz
  • 04-19-2012, 05:01 PM
The idiot deserves to be fired for stupidity. I could not care less how many hookers they see but to have this blow up because he refused to pay a very reasonable fee is nuts. He just thought he was superior to her and could get away with it because she was just a "whore" and he was a big shot secret service agent. I hope that attitude gets his ass kicked.

The sad thing is this is going to end up hurting other guys that did not try to stiff the ladies.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The idiot deserves to be fired for stupidity. I could not care less how many hookers they see but to have this blow up because he refused to pay a very reasonable fee is nuts. He just thought he was superior to her and could get away with it because she was just a "whore" and he was a big shot secret service agent. I hope that attitude gets his ass kicked.

The sad thing is this is going to end up hurting other guys that did not try to stiff the ladies. Originally Posted by Laz

I wonder if any of the agents have ECCIE handles?

.... Originally Posted by Jackie S
ForumPoster's Avatar
Secret Service Hoing Training Brochure

This is how it would read:

"Dear Secret Service Agent,

1) When you are hoing in countries where prostitution is legal, don't stiff the hoe, she will file a police report

2) When you are bringing in a hoe to your hotel room in countries where hotels charge extra guest fee, pay it in cash and do not charge it to american taxpayers

3) When the cop is banging on your door asking to pay the hoe, don't barricade yourself in, he will call the ambassador.

4) If 1 - 3 are eye opening revelations to you, you should not even be reading this. As a matter of fact, we are not sure you can read if you are that dumb."
I B Hankering's Avatar
Af-Freakin's Avatar

That dumbass stiffed her. Shit, he doesn't deserve to be in the Secret Service. Originally Posted by Jackie S
dont use the term stiffed. CreepyOldLoser will try & make a lame-ass joke bout it like: they were all tryin 2 still her. why does that troll always try 2 b funny. he isnt. cant he just go off & die somewhere?
BigLouie's Avatar
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Pussy is dangerous. Very dangerous, but we forget.

It seems so sweet and inviting at first. What could go wrong?

How can any man resist getting some? She wants it. You want.

But then in the morning comes the time to pay the piper but in the fog of too much tequila the numbers become blurred and tempers flare when the numbers are too low and then the gentle sweetness dramatically turns to deadly venom and the carefree fun now becomes a hellish nightmare!

You have just entered the Twilight Zone!

The next thing you know you have lost your job and your reputation has gone up in smoke and God help you if you embarrass the President of The United States acting like horney teenager when you're supposed to be the tough guardian of the President!

. . .Pussy is very dangerous!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Does anyone think that this is the first time this has happened or that the press has not been involved?
LexusLover's Avatar
The sad thing is this is going to end up hurting other guys .... Originally Posted by Laz
Helloooooo, hooneeeey, I'm hooooome?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sometimes a rude wake-up call is necessary to remind the rowdy boys that they are not in high school anymore.