There are a lot of women who practice "casual" or "opportunity" prostitution. They will take money if it is offered, they may even expect it, but they don't want to ask for it or set a price. I see this all the time when traveling out of the country -- based on the belief that Americans are all rich and taking their money is acceptable.
You meet a girl at a cafe for lunch, and you ask her if she would like to go to the beach with you that afternoon. She doesn't have a bathing suit, so you buy her one. She doesn't go in the water and stays under the umbrella, because she plans to return the suit the next day and split the price with the shopkeeper. She may do the same thing with a dress or shoes if you ask her to go to dinner or dancing. Then the next morning you give her $25 for a cab home, but she takes a bus for 30 cents.
So she has received a couple of nice meals, dancing at a club she could never have afforded, slept in a soft bed in a nice hotel room, and pocketed $50 -- a week's pay at her job as a cashier. But don't call her a prostitute. She certainly doesn't think of herself that way.