No suprise you dont want to hold Obama accountable for anything over the past 3 years - high unememployment, high gas prices, high defeicits, debt, high foreclosures, high food stamp participation, high disability enrollments, record student loan debt, record rounds of golf played, fast and furious, yada yada.........

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirrly you blame Obama for everything including your piles.Do you think some of the disability cases are returning military personnel who have been wounded in your Bush wars?
The number of military claims of disability within SS peaked several years ago when the war casualites peaked....your own arguement doesn't explain why - if the Bush war's were a driver - has disability claims continued to skyrocket under Obama?

The record number of disability claims being approved is due to lack of oversight/enforcment by the SS administration, especially when it comnes to administrative judges who have no problem say "approved"...........for example this judge:

btw, Dougherty retired only after the WSJ article came out......What is the Obama administration doing to keep other Dougherty types from the bench?
It's just an accomplishment that I think Obama should get credit for. Ya know, being such a compassionate President.....

What's the problem, you don't want Obama to get the credit ?

If it is a worthy program without rampant corruption and fraud I would think you would regard record disability payments as a Presidential accomplishsment worthy of campgaining on............

Another Obama "accomplishment" he doesn't want to campgain on I guess..........

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 03:46 PM
do yourself a favor and look up the issues that are most important to voters .. then ask yourself why you post stupid shit like this thread.

Obamazombies like you whirlie are so consumed with the president you have no idea of whats really important, or youre incapable of defending the republican candidates because they suck worse than Obe

which is it?
Do your ownself the favor of asking why you repond to posts that you think are unworthy ? If it is how you really think, your the dumbshit for responding to this thread (multiple times) !

Why don't you tell us what is really important asshole....since you love pontificating on what you don't think is important!

Your the typical Obamazombie blowhart ! You can't defend him on the merits so you go all personal with your attacks - your a fucking moron.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 04:07 PM
your or you're ?


This is laughable....CJ7 writing that he knows what the voters think is important............

Quick CJ7 google,,,google,,,,google..... . have no idea of whats really important........... Originally Posted by CJ7
That's your fucking intelliegent response; a grammar lesson !!!!!!!!

your or you're ?


lol Originally Posted by CJ7
You truly are a dumbshit CJ7.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 04:45 PM
You truly are a dumbshit CJ7. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

look on the bright side whirlie ..

at least you'll get to bitch for 4 more years about Obe, and you can even moan about how he bought the election ..

Fast Gunn's Avatar
President Clinton once made a very vivid remark once about the powers that a US President really has as compared to the general perception of the office.

He said being President is like being the supervisor of a cemetery.

. . . "You have a lot of people under you, but nobody is listening"

I imagine he was having a really bad day when he said that.

last time I checked the president is in charge of the entire country, but that doesnt mean he is directly decides who qualifys for what, when or where. Unless of course all you have to do is dream up some inane rhetoric and stand in the corner and point fingers like a third grader. Originally Posted by CJ7
I B Hankering's Avatar
President Clinton once made a very vivid remark once about the powers that a US President really has as compared to the general perception of the office.

He said being President is like being the supervisor of a cemetery.

. . . "You have a lot of people under you, but nobody is listening"

I imagine he was having a really bad day when he said that.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Slick Willie's comments were lost amidst those 'slurping' sounds Monica was making.

BTW, Odumbo doesn't understand the concept 'grand' . . . he spends 'trillions'.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Monica was just a little side dish that threw herself at President Clinton.

Any red-blooded American would have accepted the treat she offered.

I know I would have accepted her especially if I had to contend with Hillary all the fucking time.

Monica was nonetheless, just a minor side issue to how the President handled the office.

Granted that Bush did not have such zipper issues, but that minor virtue did not prevent him from wrecking the hell out of the country.

. . . So who was the better President?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Monica was just a little side dish that threw herself at President Clinton.

Any red-blooded American would have accepted the treat she offered.

I know I would have accepted her especially if I had to contend with Hillary all the fucking time.

Monica was nonetheless, just a minor side issue to how the President handled the office.

Granted that Bush did not have such zipper issues, but that minor virtue did not prevent him from wrecking the hell out of the country.

. . . So who was the better President?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
So you are claiming it was "Monica's fault"? What about all of the other women in Slick Willie's past who admitted to sexual indiscretions and alleged Clinton assaulted them, e.g., Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Sally Perdue, and Dolly Kyle Browning, were they “Monica’s fault” also?

Did not Slick Willie's little "zipper issue" led to an impeachment charge for perjury? Are you actually suggesting that throughout the impeachment process Slick Willie governed effectively and dealt appropriately and thoroughly with both Saddam and bin Laden in a manner such that they wouldn't be an issue during W's administration? . . .

Keep drinking the Kool Aid, FastGoon.