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  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 04:18 PM
I'd like to see him suspended for the remainder of the Lakers season and get 10 games clipped from the beginning of next season.
Also like to see the Lakers void his contract.
Won't happen though. Originally Posted by SARR
Suspend him, fine. No issue there.

But the Lakers were co-conspirators here: it isn't like they didn't know they were getting a wacko thug. They knew it and that's exactly what they were paying for.

No, letting them void the contract is rewarding them for hiering a known goon. Make them pay him, then fine him the same amount.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
as cog said

s expected, RaggedyAndy, you missed the point, and failed to answer the question. You may go to the children's table with Doofe until you can communicate like an adult.

But seriously, if raising the minimum wage is a good thing, why not $35 or more? The reason is, that would be stupid, of course. So what raise in the minimum wage would be smart? I think I have proven the absurdity that raising the minimum wage is a good thing. And of course, you have said nothing to disprove that. Therefore, raising the minimum wage is not a good thing, and harms the economy.

Game, set, match. COG wins again!

just more babble babble
__________________ Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Hey, there, Ag - post on the correct thread next time. Looks like any time you're up is the wrong time of day for coherence.