JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Point is there needs to be respect of what the provider has in her showcase. period. Originally Posted by mslovebjs68
If they don't read/respect your showcase or ad, you figure this thread will do the trick?

$45 per month seems like a reasonable investment for a decent night's sleep. And the lack of late night aggravation is a bonus.
Boom...I didn't mean any disrespect to you or anyone else who made that comment. I was just trying to bring out a very common problem that most providers face...and, that is dealing with some inconsiderate hobbyists.

Most of us realize that having a hobby phone for our business is the answer; however, none of us knows what *her* current situation is. All I know is...I can't condemn her for making the choices of how she runs her business.

What I can do is support her by asking you gents to PLEASE respect our requirements...especially, when we take the time to outline what they are. Most hobbyists are very's those few that make things very miserable. Anyway, it's all good...have a good day everyone!
  • GTDak
  • 04-28-2012, 03:01 PM
Coming from the other angle....this goes both ways. I've had providers that I've sent references to and get the I'm not available until next week.....few hours later a post is up asking for gentlemen. (I'm very respectful with a standard message listing references and simple statement asking to screen me so an appointment can be made.) Just the nature of the business I guess. Ms Love I'm just saying that maybe these guy's have been completely frustrated with some ladies and simply start going post by post trying to hear "come on over". Please cut us some slack and remember that the phone not ringing is a problem too. The phone ringing means that we like you and think your cute. (hug) And yes I would be just as frustrated if someone kept calling me during non business hours. On behalf of all the horny guys in SA, please forgive us for thinking with the smaller more focused head.

Note: I did not call Ms Love and I completely agree with only providing your number after screening and PM's have been exchanged.
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 04-28-2012, 03:37 PM
Totally agree with mslovebjs68, and I am a firm beliver that we, us, and most of us "men" in general think with our wrong heads, and jump into the " fire" as soon as see, feel, act, or we get happy without knowing the consequenses (did it spelled it right?). I myself (I am not a newbie), sometimes start acting without and before finishing to read all the instructions, in this case "proividers postings". Anyway LOL to all the providers!
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
i think most that are responding with get another phone (hobby phone).
Point is there needs to be respect of what the provider has in her showcase. period.
That is why i posted this so newbies can see that it is not cool to just call or text someone, whenever they want or need. LOOK at the showcases.. READ the showcases... and everyone will be happier.
the other point i was making is the newbies will be upset if you answer the phone pissy cause it is 2am and your half asleep. really? when they cant read and your getting upset?
I want to thank everyone that has sent me pm's and offered some good points there and here in coed. much appreciated.

licks and kisses to all Originally Posted by mslovebjs68
I don't disagree with you at all - however you've got to put yourself in their shoes for a minute.

They're looking at your hot pictures, their dick is hard, all they want is to be with you RIGHTNOW. Do you think they read the rest .
I don't disagree with you at all - however you've got to put yourself in their shoes for a minute.

They're looking at your hot pictures, their dick is hard, all they want is to be with you RIGHTNOW. Do you think they read the rest . Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Yep, have to agree. I am very respectful to follow instructions. But with you Missy, I lose my self. All my child hood lessons of manners go out the door. I will be lucky to be able to even work a phone when you come.*
If you don't want to carry 2 phones, you shouldn't have to. It is not unreasonable for you to ask gents to read your full ad. Newbie friendly providers bring a lot of great hobbyists into our fold that otherwise wouldnt have an "in". You often have the extra effort of training them in hobby etiquette. I am persinally grateful to any Newbie Friendly providers who expand our pool of clientele while reducing our risk. When a newbie mistakenly contacts me, i make it a point to tell them to read how and when the NF likes initial contact and to follow that. Reference only providers need to do everything we can to support our NF providers bc they are our first line of defense.
That being said, you might consider getting a virtual number that forwards to your regular phone the hours you work and just prompts for a voicemail or holds the texts during the hours you are off. There are several free options.
I personally don't provide my phone # until the day of a confirmed appt, but I know of several ladies who like to use their gut by listening to the way he talks to her before ever starting the screening process. A virtual # can be used for advertising and they can get your regular number once you feel comfortable they will follow your rules. Just a thought, but I don't want to take away from that you are absolutely right to expect gents to respect your boundaries including avail hours.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-28-2012, 10:59 PM
They're looking at your hot pictures, their dick is hard, all they want is to be with you RIGHTNOW. Do you think they read the rest . Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
In my view that is a very lame excuse for the type of behavior that the OP is referring to. A true Gentleman simply does not do that kind of stuff.
darter's Avatar
If they don't read/respect your showcase or ad, you figure this thread will do the trick?. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
That was my thought as well. If someone is looking at your ad just for your number and doesn't read the times to call, he sure isn't going to read this. I do agree they shouldn't, but i don't think this thread will help.

What will help is what you've done. If you don't want to get a hobby phone, don't. But if I were you, I would only give out my personal phone number to someone that has been verified.

I'm assuming that you are aware that a prospective employer, s.o. or relative could google your number and stumble upon ads, reviews and such. That alone would make me want to get a hobby phone...
MGS198's Avatar
A true Gentleman Originally Posted by Mokoa

doesn't exactly attract true gentlemen always
MGS198, maybe not ALWAYS...but, luckily for me, 99.9% of my friends are absolutely awesome gentlemen. And, let's remember what MsLove said...the calls were coming in between 1a-5a! I've never seen her advertise that those were her working hours. (lol)
SofaKingFun's Avatar
My profile states my hours of availability. 6am to 3pm. what is there not to understand? it is in my signature line.

Originally Posted by mslovebjs68

I thinck that I see the problem here.

It's one of those Mars/Venus things.

You state that you're available from 6:00am until 3:00pm.

In some guys minds, their thincking *might be* that they should book you during your 'off hours', because you might be busy during your 'on hours' , or that the time that they're wanting might be better requested before your 'shift' starts.

Maybe just reword it to remove any uncertainty.

Something like;

Please call ONLY between the hours of 6:00am through 3:00pm.

Hey, don't shoot me. I didn't call. I'm just trying to tell you that guys get tripped-up over the most simple things. Sometimes we gets the dumbs.



BANG!! (lol)
SofaKingFun's Avatar

We need to lay your lifle scope on the dliveway and lun over it with car, Nikkisan. You using loundeye scope. No good for people no hav loundeye.

Run over,Frat. plobrem solve.

Many ruvs,



This is really a no-brainer if you want a guarantee of undisturbed sleep.