Does Extenze Work?

Lol lady red... I have been known to make penises grow as well.

But I don't think any pill or cream would really increase the size of your penis. I've seen penile extension surgery it doesn't give you a drastic change but can give you an inch or two depending on how much extra piping you have chilling inside you.
Like a placebo it might.
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Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
I would take that stuff for one ingredient and thats the Boron. Boron is one nutrient that is very helpful in maintaining the bodies PH balance. All Cancerous conditions know to medical science produce a high acidic condition to the body. No cancer of any kind can replicate, spread or survive in a neutral or alkiline environment.
bojulay's Avatar
I would take that stuff for one ingredient and thats the Boron. Boron is one nutrient that is very helpful in maintaining the bodies PH balance. All Cancerous conditions know to medical science produce a high acidic condition to the body. No cancer of any kind can replicate, spread or survive in a neutral or alkiline environment. Originally Posted by acp5762
They are preventing penis cancer while pretending to be able
to make your penis grow larger. I knew that underneath they
had the right motives.

I wonder if that breast enlargement cream helps prevent breast cancer.
Breast enlargement Creme, hmmm. You would put that on with your hands right? Wouldn't that make your hands bigger too. I can just see it. A girl with big tits and one hand as big as a catchers mit.