Is there a connection

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you want the formula for doing a linear regression on your facts. We will if there is any correllation.
I notice you went back and tried to correct "pools" so now it's "pols". You still got it wrong. The word is spelled polls. Don't get discouraged. It's a hard word to spell, after all it does have five letters. Also, if you're going to go back and correct your spelling, you should have changed skiddish to skittish. I probably shouldn't make fun of you because my spelling is pretty bad too, but seriously, you should try harder. Originally Posted by joe bloe

I wanted to give you something more to piss and moan about so you wouldn't have to do any thinking.and answer a question .
joe bloe's Avatar
The stock market is re-acting to bad economic data. If anyone knows a damn thing about stocks is that they are never a leading indicator of the current economic situation. The stock market is re-acting to the Greek/Euro issues as well as the less than stellar U.S. jobs reports. If the mainstream media would actually report the truth on the American job front, Romney would be way out in front. Technically, the jobless rate has dropped to a little over 8%. In reality, that drop is due to the shear number of people who have left the job market or those who are not working full time or those who are not working in the jobs that they should be working in. The real unemployment rate is somewhere around 10-11%. For use to have healthy economic growth, we need to create somewhere between 350,000 to 400,000 jobs per month. Right now, we are barely creating 125,000 jobs per month, and that is just simply a matter of population growth and not real jobs growth. Companies (in particular small business) will not create any new jobs until they know what the tax equation will be moving forward. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of the year. If they do, small business will not be hiring any time soon. Obama's whole wealth redistribution plan is putting a crimp on job creation. Until there is fiscal certainty in Washington, look for the economy to sputter along like it has for the past 2 to 3 years. A weak economy is Romney's best friend. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Germany's unemployment rate is 5.6%. Merkel cut spending and lowered interest rates to stimulate economic growth, and it worked. Supply side economics always does. Obama's economic strategy is to feed the government and starve the private sector. His "fundamental transformation" is to end our capitalist market economy and replace it with a command and control socialist economy. We won't get significant job growth until Romney is elected.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I noticed the higher Romney rises in the pols the lower the stock market falls. Are investors skiddish about him? Or do they like Obama better? Originally Posted by ekim008
Maybe it's the other way around?

Maybe it's not the higher Romney poll numbers get the lower the stock market falls......

But maybe it's ..the lower the stock market falls, the higher Romneys poll numbers get?
joe bloe's Avatar
I wanted to give you something more to piss and moan about so you wouldn't have to do any thinking.and answer a question . Originally Posted by ekim008
Let's hear your question.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-19-2012, 10:03 AM
The stock market is re-acting to bad economic data. If anyone knows a damn thing about stocks is that they are never a leading indicator of the current economic situation. The stock market is re-acting to the Greek/Euro issues as well as the less than stellar U.S. jobs reports. If the mainstream media would actually report the truth on the American job front, Romney would be way out in front. Technically, the jobless rate has dropped to a little over 8%. In reality, that drop is due to the shear number of people who have left the job market or those who are not working full time or those who are not working in the jobs that they should be working in. The real unemployment rate is somewhere around 10-11%. For use to have healthy economic growth, we need to create somewhere between 350,000 to 400,000 jobs per month. Right now, we are barely creating 125,000 jobs per month, and that is just simply a matter of population growth and not real jobs growth. Companies (in particular small business) will not create any new jobs until they know what the tax equation will be moving forward. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of the year. If they do, small business will not be hiring any time soon. Obama's whole wealth redistribution plan is putting a crimp on job creation. Until there is fiscal certainty in Washington, look for the economy to sputter along like it has for the past 2 to 3 years. A weak economy is Romney's best friend. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Germany's unemployment rate is 5.6%. Merkel cut spending and lowered interest rates to stimulate economic growth, and it worked. Supply side economics always does. Obama's economic strategy is to feed the government and starve the private sector. His "fundamental transformation" is to end our capitalist market economy and replace it with a command and control socialist economy. We won't get significant job growth until Romney is elected. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You both are exactly correct. Those that do not believe it, are either on the government welfare tit, of some sort, or just plain fucking idiots....and that's a fact....
Let's hear your question. Originally Posted by joe bloe

that's what I figured you were so eager to trash me you never read the question
4karlos's Avatar
Note to a few distracted "gurues" trying to lecture us here: Economy and Finances are 2 different beasts, they need each other to live but they are 2 very different things. If you keep mixing apples with pears you will be left with vey little credibility...if any at all.
Note to a few distracted "gurues" trying to lecture us here: Economy and Finances are 2 different beasts, they need each other to live but they are 2 very different things. If you keep mixing apples with pears you will be left with vey little credibility...if any at all. Originally Posted by 4karlos
What the fuck does making cider have to do With Common Sense?