You guys can have the young teeny boppers."Always" is a strong word. One of my top-5 all-timers was a studio gal I met when she was 19...had the skills of a porn star.
I prefer older well reviewed providers not only
for the age thing but you always have a better
time. Experience does go a long way.
Originally Posted by Redsan
Having said that, I usually choose the 30-somethings now because they do tend to know a thing or two the young 'uns haven't learned yet. In any event, I try to stay away from anyone stating their age as being under 21 precisely for the reasons cited here.
Back to the OP...I don't think there is anything wrong with checking ID (covering up name and address as stated previously). My suggestion would be to tell her you'll want to see it when setting up the appointment so you're less likely to encounter one of the excuses mentioned in an earlier post. If she balks, move on.