Fine sexy black men

doublebogey49's Avatar
This is VERY interesting! But let's put a little something extra on Zabrina's question. As a Black woman, I'm attracted to all types and races. But as a rule, I don't hit on men.

But how would you White guys react to a woman of color 'trying to get to know you?' Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I am very attracted to black women, probably more so than any other ethnicity. I think it's a case of opposites attracting, but the thought of being with a woman of color is extremely exciting to me. Like Tiffani, I'm attracted to all types and races, but this scenario is the stuff fantasies are made of for me. men....oops did I post that already (wiping saliva off my chin)...giggle giggle... Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Damn Marie..I gonna have to PM ya
big boi terry's Avatar
Take it from a black man, even though i'm now just a little past 50, i've had a few younger women hit on me and it is very flattering. I don't consider myself an attractive man or particularly well built, but I think that the way that a man carries himself, and is confident in himself does show. I would probably actually blush a little bit, and believe me, that's a sight to see with a man of my complexion lol. You should have at least said hello, never know where that would have taken you. Just my opinion. BBT in Memphis
Roothead's Avatar
the race of an attractive lady has NOTHING to do with my level of interest, attraction and admiration - if she has beauty, style, class, charm and aura, I am instantly aroused .... I have dated and played with women all over the world and of multiple racial and nationalities - the common element that engaged me and kept me engaged, was that somehow, we resonated with each other, at multiple levels...
This is VERY interesting! But let's put a little something extra on Zabrina's question. As a Black woman, I'm attracted to all types and races. But as a rule, I don't hit on men.

But how would you White guys react to a woman of color 'trying to get to know you?' Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
That is a very interesting "rule." I guess me being more old fashioned and traditional ...I always expect the man to take the lead and do his job

And I consider myself dominant, but I still feel that way

(I think all dominants act very "submissive" in public...sort of a trap to lure in the prey)
whitechocolate's Avatar
I think most men are very turned on when a woman hits on them and women need to be more aggressive and take the initiative in that area more often. Again, color is irrelevant to me. I love it when women take the risk and strike when the iron is hotttt before the prey can get away and may never appear again.
Soonerman12's Avatar
For the first time since 2009, I fell in absolute lust today!

(As in there's been a pretty dry spell in my personal life)

So I'm leaving the mall, getting in my car when I spot this fine gorgeous black man. Now if y'all didn't know already, us middle eastern women go ga ga over black men. Especially Egyptian

Anyway, so there I was just frozen halfway pulling out of the parking spot, staring, no this well dressed man in a charcoal suit.

Now if you didn't know this either, I have a "thing" for a well dressed metrosexual man.

Now let me talk about this suit he was wearing. You could see definition of every muscle in his MMM mmm MMM body. And a cute lil diamond stud in his ear. OMG

So I finally finished pulling out and of course started flowing er following this guy around the parking lot. I stop where he stopped by his car and I'm just

In a perfect world where I had the Balls and wasn't so shy I would have initiated a conversation among the lines of..."hi whats your number? are you single?

But NO. I made myself drive away. And I regret it

Maybe I'm deeply deathly afraid of being laughed at...rejection?

So I have a question for the guys...if this happened to you, there you are walking to your car in a mall parking lot when you notice some "little" girl in a car that pulls up by you, just sitting there staring at you...would it creep you out?

If she tried 'get to know you', and you were married/attached would you still...try to 'make a connection'?

I'm like still so fired up right now. Like something woke inside of passion? Seriously in need of a black man fix...

Hello meet me in Chicago Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Yippppeeeeeee.. I'm going to be in Chicago soon on "business." I just wish that I would have known about your profile when I was there just recently.
That is a very interesting "rule." I guess me being more old fashioned and traditional ...I always expect the man to take the lead and do his job

And I consider myself dominant, but I still feel that way

(I think all dominants act very "submissive" in public...sort of a trap to lure in the prey) Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
I'm the same way. I'm learning to be more flexible in my thought patterns though. There's always an exception. My initial thought is that when a woman does the work, the woman loses. Why would I chase a guy that wouldn't give me the time of day, or is too shy to? Because I'm dominant as well, I like head hunters, men who know what they want and go after it (which is the appeal of this industry). I already carry myself and dress to impress the type of man I want. I'm warm and approachable. There shouldn't be more that I have to do to initiate the first move. If he doesn't make a move, then he's not attracted to me.

I don't think we act submissive. I think it's a confidence that automatically comes through. It depends on what you consider submissive behavior. Dominance doesn't mean being mean. To me, it's a show of insecurity when a lady can't smile or acts annoyed when she notices someone looking at her.

But I think my problem is that it takes more than good looks and a suit to consider myself attracted to a guy. I would HATE to find the balls to walk up to a guy and tell him that he's cute or ask for a number and he's a complete idiot. Epic fail! But in a situation (outside of work) where I have a chance to notice something special in a person, I don't think I would have a problem making it known.
i have to throw my name in the hat.....PM for pic
I have personally mostly dated black men and white men, but I never discriminate. I truly love to taste the rainbow!

Maybe you should have talked to him. Did he make eye contact with you? If so that would have been all that I needed to mosey up and say "hi". If your too shy to do so, the damsel in distress act is always a winner and not hard to pull off.
KenMonk's Avatar
I would feel honored if a woman did that to me. I like somewhat aggressive woman and. My civie life I'm pretty shy when it comes to first contact due to a fear of rejection. I'm not scared to admit that that so I like women who knowwhat they want and go after it. After first contact though I turn it on! Lol
KenMonk's Avatar
This is VERY interesting! But let's put a little something extra on Zabrina's question. As a Black woman, I'm attracted to all types and races. But as a rule, I don't hit on men.

But how would you White guys react to a woman of color 'trying to get to know you?' Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
The person is more important then the color. I have even went after black woman once but she wouldn't date me because I am white. We are still friends though and have been for 6 years.
Omg! Best believe I would have initiated the conversation...if it was the suit that stood out maybe complimenting the color, style and FIT ;-)

I love Black men myself and I seem to think I speak their language in the flirting dept.
I can see how being rejected can be intimidating but for you Miss Zabrina, I doubt you have that to worry about as gorgeous as you are!
1Jannessa's Avatar
I love men of all colors and I can definitely sympathize with your dilima Zabrina. Just a few days ago I had a gentleman (client) come to see me he was dressed casually but when he took off his clothes he was an absolute KNOCKOUT!! His face was handsome also!! ;-) but I couldn't help but think if I had met him in a restaurant, or bar/club, or anywhere elso I would probably let him get IT & for free. LOL! But I'm serious. P.s. did I also mention he was a damn good lay too!! Hmmmm
SexyCassandra's Avatar
I love alll respectable men!!/women