COG Supports Obama - AGAIN!

Of course you're a liberal. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you'll be able to get therapy and overcome it. Someday you'll be able to live a productive life. You can finally move out of your parent's basement and maybe even find employment. Don't give up hope.

I stopped wearing tinfoil hats years ago. The Kevlar helmet with titanium lining is far superior to brainwave manipulation and it's bullet resistant. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Ol' Joe is in elite company. He, Marshy and Whirly seem to be in lockstep with each other!
Of course you're a liberal. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you'll be able to get therapy and overcome it. Someday you'll be able to live a productive life. You can finally move out of your parent's basement and maybe even find employment. Don't give up hope.

I stopped wearing tinfoil hats years ago. The Kevlar helmet with titanium lining is far superior to brainwave manipulation and it's bullet resistant. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I guess I am confused. Didn't you say in another post that liberals always throw out ad hominen attacks? Yet isn't this post an ad hominen attack?

Things that make you go hmmmm.....
joe bloe's Avatar
I guess I am confused. Didn't you say in another post that liberals always throw out ad hominen attacks? Yet isn't this post an ad hominen attack?

Things that make you go hmmmm..... Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Mea culpa. Sometimes, I can't resist. Ekim is such a target rich environment. Woops, I did it again!

It's ad hominem not ad hominen.
I agree....the reporter was rude

The reporter should have just CUT A BIG FART

Probably,nobody would have noticed that it wasn't part of the speech
unless,Glenn Beck was listening --- hahahahahahahaha!
(Barney go gurl....fartin' on live TV)
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-16-2012, 09:38 PM
I guess I am confused. Didn't you say in another post that liberals always throw out ad hominen attacks? Yet isn't this post an ad hominen attack?

Things that make you go hmmmm..... Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
I believe he also criticizes people who comment on his typos and misspellings.

It's ad hominem not ad hominen. Originally Posted by joe bloe
rodog44's Avatar
I think we have discussed this many many months ago before about this behavior by the right wing reporters and politicians. Yes, they are being extremely disrespectful and I said once before I have never seen a President treated like this ever in all my life. The right wingers are trying to minimize what has and still is occurring with regard to this behavior and trying to make comparisons to other Presidents, but there arguments fall flat.

I said to my kids the day Obama was elected I was worried two things would happen because we just elected our first Black President; some racist nut ball will try to assassinate him, or those who have been in the closet all this time with their racism were going to come out of the woodwork and we would see some horrible things in politics emerge from it. I was right with the latter. The old white men in elected positions are blatantly racist and they and their media supporters have been showing their true colors. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Who do you think elected the pres. If not for white people he wouldn't be there you dumb fuck.
cptjohnstone's Avatar Originally Posted by bigtex

Dean Obeidallah
Munro's first heckle occurred while President Obama was in midsentence, with Munro yelling out: "Why do you favor foreigners over Americans?" Obama responded: "Excuse me, sir, but it's not time for questions." Munro countered: "Are you going to take questions?"

the reporter said he thought bo was finished and when he ends his speech bo just walks away without taking questions

too bad they do not show the big picture or the whole truth
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-17-2012, 06:43 AM
too bad they do not show the big picture or the whole truth
Dean Obeidallah
Munro's first heckle occurred while President Obama was in midsentence...

the reporter said he thought bo was finished Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
There's your whole truth, Mr. Bankrupt MBA.
Of course you're a liberal. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you'll be able to get therapy and overcome it. Someday you'll be able to live a productive life. You can finally move out of your parent's basement and maybe even find employment. Don't give up hope.

I stopped wearing tinfoil hats years ago. The Kevlar helmet with titanium lining is far superior to brainwave manipulation and it's bullet resistant. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Once again you have proved the right wing consists of knuckle draggers .
joe bloe's Avatar
Once again you have proved the right wing consists of knuckle draggers . Originally Posted by ekim008
As long as we're trading insults, we knuckle draggers look down on amoebas like you.

Your turn.

In case you're wondering, an amoeba is a single celled organism and is the lowest form of life. Of course, a liberal amoeba would be an even lower class of amoeba, and would be shunned by normal amoebas.
Who do you think elected the pres. If not for white people he wouldn't be there you dumb fuck. Originally Posted by rodog44
LMAO.. right, only white people vote people in office.. ummmm.. yea..

Lets see I think you forget the black, hispanic, and other culturally diverse Americans who vote too..or maybe you just don't want to think about that?

Kinda scary for someone like you who realizes your in a sea of more than just "white people" in America huh?
joe bloe's Avatar
LMAO.. right, only white people vote people in office.. ummmm.. yea..

Lets see I think you forget the black, hispanic, and other culturally diverse Americans who vote too..or maybe you just don't want to think about that?

Kinda scary for someone like you who realizes your in a sea of more than just "white people" in America huh? Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Just imagine if white people voted in block for Republicans the way blacks vote for Democrats. Whites are 64% of the population (non Hispanic whites 63.7% 2010 census). If we voted 95% Republican, that would mean a 61% Republican vote gauranteed in every election, even assuming no one else voted for Republicans. The Republicans would always win. But of course, if white people voted 95% Republican, it would be racist. It's only ok for Blacks and Hispanics to vote in lock step based on party.
As long as we're trading insults, we knuckle draggers look down on amoebas like you.

Your turn.

In case you're wondering, an amoeba is a single celled organism and is the lowest form of life. Of course, a liberal amoeba would be an even lower class of amoeba, and would be shunned by normal amoebas. Originally Posted by joe bloe

you do what you do best blowing hot air,only ones buying into it are Marshal and whirrlygirl.
joe bloe's Avatar
you do what you do best blowing hot air,only ones buying into it are Marshal and whirrlygirl. Originally Posted by ekim008

I don't think Marshall has ever responded to one of my posts, so I don't know if he agrees with me or not. I suspect he probably thinks I'm a communist.

I'm sure you get the enthusiastic support of AF Freakin and the rest of the liberal rogues gallery. I would have to rethink my position, if they ever agreed with me on anything.
you do what you do best blowing hot air,only ones buying into it are Marshal and whirrlygirl. Originally Posted by ekim008
Well hot air seems to be all he manages these days..