Exposing real names/identity?

LazurusLong's Avatar
Doesn't matter what forum where the information is posted by someone nor is the intent that easy to determine. And to ask the volunteer staff here to try and figure out whether it was intentional or not implies that the staff also need to become mind readers. Or psychics.

Discretion in this hobby is a very basic thing and it is impossible to know someone's true agenda.

If there happens to be something posted anywhere on ECCIE that non staff can see, pretty sure that violates the owner's rules about outing/potential outing and hopefully would be addressed quickly once staff has been made aware that a potential problem exists.
So since mind-reading isn't a requirement for the staff, then intent doesn't matter and we can expect to see the the post removed and the ban hammer dropping?
Duke of G's Avatar
Multiple threads on this issue have been merged.

The issues of the "outing" were corrected. Actions to the parties involved are being taken. While everyone seems to think that banning was automatic, that would not be the case.

We take outing as one of the most serious issues in the hobby. This situation was not the example of how to deal with it, however. The ML leaks, the threats of counter-outing and 3 separate threads over what could have been a corrected issue, are not the way to go about fixing this.

Agenda, no agenda...doesn't matter. The torches and pitchforks are out when it comes to "outing." Yet so far, many of the cries of "outing" I've seen are FALSE. People love to band wagon on such a hot-button issue, despite the fact that they lack facts. I mean...outing is something everyone despises, right? Yet they rarely wait to see both sides or even proof that something happened at all.
Texasquest's Avatar
so your saying this example from last week is FALSE???

The OP posted a link with her REAL LIFE INFO.includiing real name and address among other things..ANd even after a MOD saw it..it was allowed to stay for awhile..ANd you Say "Yet they rarely wait to see both sides or even proof that something happened at all. " Yet the OP hasnt been given a VACATION to ponder his transgressions...

The torches and pitchforks are out when it comes to "outing." Yet so far, many of the cries of "outing" I've seen are FALSE. I dont know how much more proof you want..And the Torches and Pitchforks didnt get the OP a Vacation so he could ponder his transgressions..One wonders if he even got any punishement at all..for all we know he was given a MEDAL for outing someone and using the Plea...IT was unintentional...
Boltfan's Avatar
Considering "BANNED" is the only punishment you can actually see, perhaps some other form of punishment was handed down that is none of membership's business. I for one have received multiple forms of punishment here, some of which were visible, like being BANNED, and some of which was not.

I certainly would hope staff would not cater to the likes and whims of people like you who want visual confirmation of punishment. How about we just tar and feather them?
Regardless of reason or intent, the damage is done by outing. Accordingly, the penalty should be severe. Evidently not everyone despises outing as some folks do it.

It has been said over and over again, NEVER put anything on ECCIE, (ROS, ML, etc.) that you do not expect others to see. Once it is on the Internet, it is there forever.
Texasquest's Avatar
Never said there wasnt some kind of punishment.I'm saying OUTING someone should carry the HARSHEST of penaltys.FOr outing someone can and in many instances affect someones real life,marriage,job, etc...its not like most other transgressions here where the affects are short lived and usually just affect someones feelings.in the Past outing somone was dealt with harshly and swiftly and ironically there was very few instances of outing ..Now that it seems like Outing only gets a slap on the hand it has become more common.Maybe if it goes back to HARSH punishment these people who deem it was unintentional will think about what they are about to post..But by letting them off the hook because a mod deems "they didnt mean to" do it is laughable..
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Maybe if it goes back to HARSH punishment these people who deem it was unintentional will think about what they are about to post..But by letting them off the hook because a mod deems "they didnt mean to" do it is laughable.. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Putting aside whether your version of ASPD/ECCIE history is correct (I think you're misremembering and staff is basically doing what's always been done), I've seen numerous alerts by providers list a guy's full phone number. Staff goes back and edits the post to delete some of the info. The providers never get banned. Do you really want to ban all those providers?
Duke of G's Avatar
so your saying this example from last week is FALSE???

The OP posted a link with her REAL LIFE INFO.includiing real name and address among other things..ANd even after a MOD saw it..it was allowed to stay for awhile..ANd you Say "Yet they rarely wait to see both sides or even proof that something happened at all. " Yet the OP hasnt been given a VACATION to ponder his transgressions...

The torches and pitchforks are out when it comes to "outing." Yet so far, many of the cries of "outing" I've seen are FALSE. I dont know how much more proof you want..And the Torches and Pitchforks didnt get the OP a Vacation so he could ponder his transgressions..One wonders if he even got any punishement at all..for all we know he was given a MEDAL for outing someone and using the Plea...IT was unintentional... Originally Posted by Texasquest
Well, you've taken my statement of "many" and made it "all," which is a nice twisting of fact. In that same time span, I've seen three threads started about "what to do if someone outs you" when the fact is: they weren't outed, and in one case, they "outed" themselves by running their own mouths.

Additionally, your "swift to ban" attitude happens to be different than the guidelines, as is your need to see "visible justice" served. The site doesn't operate that way, and never has. Those who think that an error is an "instant ban" are incorrect.

"Outing" and "stupid mistakes" are not the same. Every issue here comes with some judgement. I'm sorry you don't agree with the staff's judgement. And if you think someone saying "oops" gets them out of punishment, that would also be incorrect.

Your example included a post to law enforcement activity that some thought were alert-worthy. It isn't, nor should a public record like that be linked to a handle - male or female. It was removed and the appropriate punishment dealt with. I'm sorry you have to have faith that it was, and that no "medals" were handed out.
Texasquest's Avatar
Hmmm the op started this thread at 5:44 am upset over her Real life info being leaked out via a link in ML ..a Mods first response was at 8:12 (basically 3.5 hrs later) and it seems the MOD was more concerned that the OP had access to ML info ( like that is a surprise to anyone)but he did state that the Outing was just one of those OOPS things..it wasnt intentional....and then stated that the link was removed.THEn approx 4 hrs later the OP informs the board that the Link and info IS STILL THERE .Now after that lil tidbit of info it seems that the MOds decided that access to ML info was a greater threat to everyones safety than being OUTED is..The OP is now Banned ( can only assume is because she had access to the ML) But the people who actually outed others are not banned....So it seems that OUTING SOMEONE ( so long as it wasnt intentional) is not as serious an offense as getting "restricted info" is. Just my Opinion but seems a lil backwards..After all Outing someone can have far worse effects on someone than just getting some "Private" info from the ML ..
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Hey Texquest, you didn't answer my question. Do you want to ban all providers who post a full phone number in an alert? You can say "yes" and be consistent, but look silly. Or, you can say "no" and seem rational but inconsistent. Or, maybe you can explain why you think they're different? You've been fixated on this accidental posting of any private info on someone for a few days now, so I know you're reading. What say you?
Hercules's Avatar
Could be her perceived threat of counter outing (for sheer revenge?) didn't go over very well either.
Boltfan's Avatar
Hmmm the op started this thread at 5:44 am upset over her Real life info being leaked out via a link in ML ..a Mods first response was at 8:12 (basically 3.5 hrs later) and it seems the MOD was more concerned that the OP had access to ML info ( like that is a surprise to anyone)but he did state that the Outing was just one of those OOPS things..it wasnt intentional....and then stated that the link was removed.THEn approx 4 hrs later the OP informs the board that the Link and info IS STILL THERE .Now after that lil tidbit of info it seems that the MOds decided that access to ML info was a greater threat to everyones safety than being OUTED is..The OP is now Banned ( can only assume is because she had access to the ML) But the people who actually outed others are not banned....So it seems that OUTING SOMEONE ( so long as it wasnt intentional) is not as serious an offense as getting "restricted info" is. Just my Opinion but seems a lil backwards..After all Outing someone can have far worse effects on someone than just getting some "Private" info from the ML .. Originally Posted by Texasquest
I seriously hope you aren't a court reporter in my traffic ticket case cause I might get the needle for a triple homicide instead.
There are folks on ECCIE that seem to think that revealing restricted data (ROS, ML, etc.) is akin to leaking national security information. It's against the rules; it isn't TOP SECRET.
Texasquest's Avatar
WALDO..if they post private info then YES they should have a few days Vacation to contemplate their actions...And hopefully the next time they will think before they post..and hopefully the rest of the posters will see the NO TOLERANCE of outing and also think before they post..Kinda like your momma telling you to not touch the hot skillet...im sure you learned your lesson after you did it anyway !!

BOLT are you running in the SLOW LANE??? since when did court Reporters do anything but transcribe everything that is said..Dont know what courts you have been in but everyone ive been in that is their only job..Only the Judge and Jury can do anything about punishement...Maybe you need to go back to school and take Government class over again ! IJS..

Hercules...Dunno but if thats the case then they are a lil inconsistent with their punishment..IE GDL's Fiasco couple days ago...That OP is still here too...