Cassy and Busty at lunch. Boobies anyone???

You, crazy. Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC
Thanks sweetheart, but girl I was not made up. It was before the shower and lingerie lol. But Cassandra is always camera ready lol. I just don't like to wear makeup, you can see my face pics I don't have any. I'm still young enough that I have no wrinkles YET!!! I'm not drop dead gorgeous but I think I am cute I just want a hot ass like you have
KatieKatie's Avatar
If that was you not made up you should really put you made up pictures on your website. You look great!
SexyCassandra's Avatar
look whos talking Katie your a sexy thang yourself!
KatieKatie's Avatar
^You are, too, Cassandra! You two are lucky to work close to each other and be hooker friends.
We have each others back. Some providers here don't at all. I always try to provide references, and help in any way I can. But me and Cassandra been friends for 3 years. Best friends, and I would watch her back, and she would watch mine!
imabout2's Avatar
Nice pics of you two!