The most successful newpaper in America (based on circulation) is The Wallstreet Journal. They're owned by News Corporation, the owner of Fox News. WSJ has the most conservative editorial page of any major newspaper. Rupert Murdoch rules! Originally Posted by joe bloebut the donkeys on this board do not believe in the truth, as I have said my former donkey friend would leave the room when I turned on Fox News
It's not what I prefer, BigTurd, but you stand as good a chance of getting the truth from Politico as you do from Fox or MSNBC.StupidOLdFart, I understand where you're coming from. I really do! This is just another extension of your polical strategy. You prefer to stand on the sidelines and hate every political reporting source, just as you hate every candidate.
It's just now I understand why you are so misinformed. I appreciate the heads up. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
but the donkeys on this board do not believe in the truth, as I have said my former donkey friend would leave the room when I turned on Fox News Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I bet if CNN gave up it's partisanship, and reported real news, it would far surpass Fox and the alphabet networks. Wouldn't it be great to just have a straight up news network, without the bullshit? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CNN has been unsuccessful in selling viewers on the concept that it's brand represents the middle-of-the-road choice with respect to news.....CNN isn't moderate, CNN isn't objective, CNN isn't middle America.CNN could turn their ratings around over night by delivering unbiased news coverage, who, what, where, when and why. In addition they should have half liberal commentary and half conservative commentary. On round table discussions, the participants should be half conservative and half liberal. That's it. That's the formula. I think its called fair and balanced.
In many ways I respect MSNBC for their honesty in tellling us upfront that they are a left wing reporting/opinion channel....
Why CNN took a 25-year brand like "The Larry King Show" and ruined it with an immigrant who is an obnoxious know-it-all and not from the USA is beyond me. I knew King was a liberal; but he was a good interviewer who let his guests talk. Morgan (and the CNN suits) ruined one of the great programming items on that channel.
CNN's only chance of survival is to go all international in their perspective; or swing to the center and center right if they want to regain viewership...
But it might be too late.............
Bye, bye. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
news people use to report the news,now you mostly get opinions.depending on if you are from the left or right will dictate what news source you will watch. Originally Posted by ekim008Unfortunately, journalism has been in the tank for the left for decades, at least since the thirties. The New York Times spiked one of the biggest stories in history, and they had an exclusive on it. The Time's foreign correspondent, in the Soviet Union, in the thirties, discovered that Stalin was engaging in genocide by systematically starving several million Ukraines. The Times spiked the story because they were sympathetic to the communist revolution in the USSR and didn't want to make them look bad. The Time's correspondent won the Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Soviet Union the next year.
Biggest source of misinformation comes as emails,some will believe anything a friend sends them,,and they never check. Originally Posted by ekim008The biggest source of misinformation comes from NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Time Magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, etc, etc.