The truth about health care

You haven't asked a question moron......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whatever, you know what I mean, I may not have asked a question, but I asked for a response, and factual response got I none.

So why do you want to continue murdering so many people in the US?

That's a question, if you didn't notice.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-02-2012, 05:19 PM
"For Those Who Can Afford It" is a phony class warfare arguement. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Too bad for you that it's all too true.
Lifestyle choices effect medical outcomes/mortality more than any other factor. For you to deny that speaks to your stupidity. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Putting words into my mouth again, of course I do not deny that lifestyle has an effect, lifestyle is part of health care, didn't you notice?

So what is the US health care system doing at present about deaths from diabetes? How much money is going into early detection, education, testing etc etc etc.

Same question about preventative steps and education and coronary disease etc etc etc.

It's all health care.
You haven't asked a question moron.........

In fact, in this thread I am the ONLY one who asked a question (of you). Didn't you learn anything from our failed "War on Poverty"? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I always ignore false arguments by analogy, it only shows how desparate you are.
I have always like this quote by Galbraith on conventional wisdom.

'We associate truth with convenience, with what most closely accords with self-interest and personal well-being or promises best to avoid awkward effort or unwelcome dislocation of life. We also find highly acceptable what contributes most to self-esteem. (Economic and social) behaviours are complex and to comprehend their character is mentally tiring. Therefore we adhere, as though to a raft, to those ideas which represent our understanding.'

The republicans are clinging to a raft, it is shot through with holes and sinking, but they don't have the cajones to admit it.
The only real murder that is taking place is being done under Roe v Wade; premediated at that ! Millions upon millions murdered.

What is going on in our health system isn't murder; but suicide. We have a free will. Most people die prematurely or from horrible disease because of their lifestyle choices. Very very few die because they didn't get to see a doctor.

Diabetes epidemic - lifestyle/personal choices
Heart disease - lifestyle/personal choices
Most cancer - likely lifestyle/personal choices

Whatever, you know what I mean, I may not have asked a question, but I asked for a response, and factual response got I none.

So why do you want to continue murdering so many people in the US?

That's a question, if you didn't notice. Originally Posted by essence

The republicans are clinging to a raft, it is shot through with holes and sinking, but they don't have the cajones to admit it. Originally Posted by essence

Yeah; right ! That is why in 2010 Republicans (with Tea Party help) swept in the largest power shift in the history of the House of Representatives - not to mention the changes in local, county, and Statehouses around the country !

Not to mention that Walker (and his fellow pols) kicked the Democrats asses in the Wisconsin recall vote last month !

If that is a sinking ship.....well,,,,your a retard !

Evidence, please, from reputable authorative international unpolitical bodies.

Otherwise I will regard it as more fantasy.

What number is 'very very few' ?

How many possible early detections of cancer/heart disease go unnoticed because of inadequate or irregular checkups?

Do you know anybody who was patched up and sent home because of lack of insurance?

All you are presenting is unsubstantiated beliefs, not corroborated facts.

If that is a sinking ship.....well,,,,your a retard Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Read my lips. I said sinking raft.

Plus, I wasn't making a general comment about the republicans, but was restricting my remarks to their non-existent health care policy, it isn't shot through with holes, it is made of the occasional burnt-out matchstick.
I have no interest in convincing you that the major causes of death and disease in the US (smoking, lack of exercise, bad diet, sugars, alcholol/drug abuse, etc) are lifestyle related...........if the light bulb doesn't go off in your own pea-sized brain, you are a hopeless fool.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 05:52 PM
you can attach breathing and drinking water to the lifestyle choice

depending what city you live in and what chemical plant you live close to.

an entire town in Oklahoma either died from cancer or packed up and left simply because of the air and water pollution from a local corporation..
Don;t put words into my mouth, I have already said a few posts above that lifestyle issues affect health.

That is obvious.

But the question remains, what is being done about lifestyle issues, and how much do they affect life expectancy, and what other health care issues affect life expectancy.

In short, how many people who make correct lifestyle choices still have health care issues which are not found in most other major industrial countries?

I quite understand it if you can't find the statistics, it may be that no recent studies have been done on the issue, so we can all sit in a circle singing kumbaya, but in that case say 'I don't know' and focus on what should be done to improve overall health care for the majority of citizens.

Like a tax on unhealthy foods?

Your problem is that you make separate boxes for:

- emergency treatment
- serious treatment
- long term care and treatment
- elective treatment
- woman's health treatment
- preventative treatment and diagnosis
- lifestyle treatment
- health education
- mental health treatment
- disability treatment
- veteran's welfare

etc etc etc whereas to me they are all part of health care - care about peoples' health.

+1 to CJ7
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're wasting your time, Whirly. Nonsence is European and talks funny, so simple-minded people think he must be right. In reality, he is just an ignorant, America hating European, who would be getting his health care from German nurses if if hadn't been for the US, which he hates.

He's from Europe, so naturally, he thinks if the government doesn't do it, no one else will. He doesn't understand, or care to understand America.

Don't waste your time with him. He's a fool.
I am not suggesting the US uses the NHS as a model, but note:

and look under the 'find guidance' and look at the topics under public health.

CoG, when you eventually post anything which has any facts or points to some evidence, or does not misrepresent me or my views, I will respond. I'm not holding my breath.

See my new signature
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have had this discussion before but this time I am only going to touch on the infant mortality rate. In Europe, Asia, and Africa infant mortality only counts infants that are old enough to have recovered from any birthing problems or congenital abnormalities. In the US we count any child born. So a child suffering from encephalitis at birth is not counted as a dead baby in most of the world unless the baby recovers even if that baby lives for a month. In the US that baby becomes a statistic as soon as he or she draws breath. This is the simple reason that infant mortality rates are not telling the truth. We and the rest of the world are measuring different things.