Tom Cruise's Ex's

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Originally Posted by tttalinky
Now thats funny!
  • afbc
  • 07-04-2012, 01:38 PM
Which ever did BBBJTCNQNS is the one that I'd prefer.

Most likely, with my luck, I'd end up with the unreviewed one that posted on BP, tried to upsell and eventually did a covered HJ or a cash-n-dash.

Either way, all three are way out of my league.
Which ever did BBBJTCNQNS is the one that I'd prefer. Originally Posted by afbc
A man after my own heart.

Most likely, with my luck, I'd end up with the unreviewed one that posted on BP, tried to upsell and eventually did a covered HJ or a cash-n-dash. Originally Posted by afbc
Lol, been there, done that.

Either way, all three are way out of my league. Originally Posted by afbc
I hear ya.