Condom Corner

Offtopic: My neighbors make fun of my ho-bag. It looks like something an old lady would carry her knitting supplies in. If only they knew....

I have in my magic bag: magnum thin, magnumxl, fire&ice, lifestyle thyn, trojan enz, and an assortment of lifestyles in a giant ziplock bag that I get from work. I will never use a Durex condom. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
Durex condoms are horrible! I'm a little allergic to whatever lubricant they make them with. Ugh.
TaylorBliss's Avatar
I personally shop on amazon to get mine for the most part, although a few have come from wally world. If ya come to see me dont get freaked out by my rather large plastic tote of condoms. I dont really have the need for them THAT often, lol. I just like to be prepared because ya never know if a guy is gona have a preference or not and one thing is for sure, until you see it you never know what size you are gona need! LOL! I just try to keep my clients as happy as possible. A large part of mine are lifestyles brand which seem to get the job done and dont taste to horrible should you go for a taste with out removing and/or washing up. As for the fire and ice...I will NEVER, EVER, EVER buy them and guys, please! do not plan on using them with me. They are nasty to taste and I mean nasty(fyi, if you go down on a gal after being in her with are gona have to deal with the taste too and its not going to be as easily washed away on us as it is on you guys)!!! And personally I dont care for the feeling they give me. Oh and for those of you who are curious, here is a link for a size chart that has most (but not all) brands/types of condoms. It is interesting reading and could help ya get a better fitting/feeling condom for your next play time!
TaylorBliss's Avatar
I personally shop on amazon to get mine for the most part, although a few have come from wally world. If ya come to see me dont get freaked out by my rather large plastic tote of condoms. I dont really have the need for them THAT often, lol. I just like to be prepared because ya never know if a guy is gona have a preference or not and one thing is for sure, until you see it you never know what size you are gona need! LOL! I just try to keep my clients as happy as possible. A large part of mine are lifestyles brand which seem to get the job done and dont taste to horrible should you go for a taste with out removing and/or washing up. As for the fire and ice...I will NEVER, EVER, EVER buy them and guys, please! do not plan on using them with me. They are nasty to taste and I mean nasty(fyi, if you go down on a gal after being in her with are gona have to deal with the taste too and its not going to be as easily washed away on us as it is on you guys)!!! And personally I dont care for the feeling they give me. Oh and for those of you who are curious, here is a link for a size chart that has most (but not all) brands/types of condoms. It is interesting reading and could help ya get a better fitting/feeling condom for your next play time!
Originally Posted by TaylorBliss
OOPS! Forgot the link! Here ya go!
I just cant seem to ever pop with a condom even though I (ALWAYS) use one so usually I can only pop with a BBBJ/hand job. . Originally Posted by wcdann
I hear this from a lot of my clients (that they cannot pop with a condom) and I am luckily blessed with large natural girls - take a bit of lube and squeeze them around and pops goes the weasel.

I wish they would just come out with a spray on condom that is as safe as a regular condom but has the feeling of not having one lol well one can always dream lol. Originally Posted by wcdann
That is a great idea - they have Liquid Latex to paint on the body.
Ahh condoms... newbie adding her 2 cents..
I agree they should invent an spray on condom
with the sensation of the real thing
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Condom Depot is the way to go. I can't pop with a condom either, that is why I lean towards SBs now. I know, I know safety first, but condoms suck.
bellababy's Avatar
Most men's nightmare...CoNDOmS,
Have to say lifestyle bare does it for me... "Next best thing to wearing nothing" .... While we are on the subject of condoms I'd be sure to keep bigger condoms for those who need them, and if men, if you know you need a bigger size then the regular, bring one so theres no store runs, make things easy for yourselfs any ladies ever tried the female condoms??