Michele Bachmann Goes Totally Nuts and Even Her Own Party Attacks Her

Let me ask Joe this. The Bush family has very close ties with the Bin Laden family. After 911 it is a well known fact that Bush rushed a number of Saudi's out of the country before the FBI or anyone else in LE could question them.k So should Bush be investigated for terrorist ties also? Originally Posted by BigLouie
You forgot about the late night cigars a the white house
With one of the binLaden clan... I believe somewhere around sept. 12, 2001.

Victory cigar?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-20-2012, 02:01 PM
poor Michelle ... open teabag mouth, fill with hot water, let steep ....

run from reporters (shes fast too, I saw her) get bitch slapped by republicans trying to run a campaign, vanish like a rat diving down a drain pipe

The End.

nice story eh?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-20-2012, 04:53 PM
Michelle Bachman, Jesse Ventura. That state has given us some truly "different" perspectives in elected officials.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's the land of 10,000 loons, or something like that. Al Franken? Seriously?
Walter Mondale
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets see who ordered a big ole shit sandwich: CJ, Big Tex, and of course Louise. Seems that her mother is a founding member of the Muslim Sisterhood.


Enjoy your meal gentlemen, Senator McCain will joining you momentarily.
BigLouie's Avatar
Let me ask you one question. Which family had their assets frozen by the US government for associating with an enemy of the US? Huma Abedin's family or George Bush's family? The correct answer would of course be Prescott Bush, his grandfather.
waverunner234's Avatar
To hell with Bachwoman
She said that Muslims were taking over the highest offices.What she ment were idiots have taken over the highest offices.(not word for word from Leno)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now we all know why Louise cuts and pastes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This topic won't go away no matter how much our own liberal elite would like it to. It has been proven that there are links between Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood through her family. That means Rep. Michelle Bachmann was right. Now as to how much influence she has had on positions, statements, hiring, and policy is something to investigate. Now Newt Gringrich has come on board wanting to know.

70 years ago another state department employee was accusing of being too influenced by the Soviets. The young congressman was ridiculed but history judged that Alger Hiss was a spy proven by KGB documents. Rep. Richard Nixon was right back then and I think Bachmann is right today.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 01:26 PM
This topic won't go away no matter how much our own liberal elite would like it to. It has been proven that there are links between Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood through her family. That means Rep. Michelle Bachmann was right. Now as to how much influence she has had on positions, statements, hiring, and policy is something to investigate. Now Newt Gringrich has come on board wanting to know.

70 years ago another state department employee was accusing of being too influenced by the Soviets. The young congressman was ridiculed but history judged that Alger Hiss was a spy proven by KGB documents. Rep. Richard Nixon was right back then and I think Bachmann is right today.

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2...ence-In-US-Gov Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It cant go away as long dillweeds keep reviving 5 day old threads
joe bloe's Avatar
Lets see who ordered a big ole shit sandwich: CJ, Big Tex, and of course Louise. Seems that her mother is a founding member of the Muslim Sisterhood.


Enjoy your meal gentlemen, Senator McCain will joining you momentarily. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Political correctness requires that we err on the side of optimisim when it comes to protecting ourselves from Jihadists. If there is any doubt at all about someone's loyalty to the country, they've got no business being in government.

When it comes to Muslims, we should be erring on the side of caution, not optimism. This is the same kind of nonsense that caused the massacre at Fort Hood.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 01:41 PM
Political correctness requires that we err on the side of optimisim when it comes to protecting ourselves from Jihadists. If there is any doubt at all about someone's loyalty to the country, they've got no business being in government.

When it comes to Muslims, we should be erring on the side of caution, not optimism. This is the same kind of nonsense that caused the massacre at Fort Hood. Originally Posted by joe bloe

hell yeah, if we would have shot that fucking muzzie bastard the day he joined our military Ft Hood would have never happened ...
joe bloe's Avatar
hell yeah, if we would have shot that fucking muzzie bastard the day he joined our military Ft Hood would have never happened ... Originally Posted by CJ7
No, but he should have been discharged when he started telling everyone he met that the terrorists were the good guys and we were the bad guys. He had business cards that said he was a soldier of Allah. It's like hiring a day care worker with I Jerry Sandusky bumper stickers on his car.

I do like the term "muzzie bastard", I think I may steal it. My favorite is still Islamonazis.