For example you take two women both 28. Woman A has been on her own since her teens and has a child, Woman B lived in her parents house until she was 24.
Woman A was the first provider I saw regularly and Woman B was a coworker. Both were hotties and had legs that never stopped. I met both around the same time.
With woman A we had kids about the same age, had some similar issues in our life. We had great conversations in addition to the other activities. I would give her tips on her home DIY projects and dealing with contractors. She'd help me understand how to fill the "mom" role that I had just been put in. I never felt she was "young enough to be my daughter" because of the amount of life she's already lived.
Now Woman B, with her I fell into a mentor role and other than some brief flirting when I first started that job, I never got that interested in her. With her I feel "the old enough to be her father" vibe and any attraction felt wrong.
I don't really aim to see any particular range of ages, more look for good review/something interesting in the ad and see if we "click" during the first visit and that determines repeat visits. I have had a bit more luck and return interest (the "hey babe when am I gonna see you again" texts) from the providers in their 20s than I have for the women closer to my own age.
I know one lady who is late 20's and takes something to zone her out in order to deal with it. Originally Posted by kymberlaneKymberlane,
I'd hate that, I'd rather be called a geezer and told no, than spend an hour with a zoned out provider.
A while back I had a visit that felt flat and I think it might have been something like that, definitely not a great time.
She took one look at him and turned around. Why? Because he had grey in his beard. Originally Posted by Tiffani JamesonTo use "Just for men" or not to use it, that is the question. When I see younger providers and have a beard, the grey hairs get treated or the beard gets shaved off for that reason. I spend too much time on eating healthy and in the gym to have the first impression be of "some old guy".