I'd also remind ashley that the alerts forum is for "[i]ssues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community." The topic of this thread is not such an issue. Originally Posted by ShysterJonBut doesn't this serve the purpose of the forum?
A learning example of what not to do?
No I am not going to question her screening methods that obviously failed horribly enough that she drove an hour each way to end up at the wrong house but this provider or another one, could just have easily been lured to a location and suffered a much worse fate than just wasting time.
Prostitutes in this country have been lured to homes and robbed, beaten, raped, and killed so what would happen if this asshat decides to escalate his behavior to something else? Say stealing her phone, car, and identification and leaves her stranded?
Did she leave the information on where she was going with anyone? Did she give anyone his screening data before she left the house?
Whether providers know it or not, there are appraisal district websites where you can enter the address of the property and find out who owns the place and simply ask the called for the name of who own the house and if he can't tell you right away, hang up. Or if he does tell you, keep asking other questions about the place such as when it was purchased and what the taxes are. Sure it takes time but if the caller doesn't know, why bother getting in the car.
Here's another issue.
A bad guy could set you up to leave your own place on a trip he knows will take 2 hours and this could be a set up to give him plenty of time to enter your place and empty it out. How pissed would you be to come home and kind all your shit stolen?
There is a huge implied danger when providers fail to screen properly and head out for this sort of appointment.