Funniest Disclaimer Yet:

Eileenlovera's Avatar
It is funny!
Htowner's Avatar
Hey Tony Montana. Get a fucking life.
Brooks helps out a lot around here. I have never met her but she is very helpful with ISOs and so forth. It is a fucking joke. A piece of humor.

Some people never miss a chance to make something out of nothing and just kill the mood for a little humor in our life.

The chic with the ad has a better chance for her case tosseed out for mental incapacity or whatever the lawyers want to call it.
yeah....what he said above me..... live a little....lets not let jokes be mistaken for darts.... although i would like to poke a few bullseye on this board....
Tony Montana's Avatar
Hey htowner, internet toughguy, no need to get your panties in a wad. Bw, aka the board investigator, aka the alert queen does indeed have a well earned reputation for posting bs alerts. I was genuinely surprised she didn't post this in the alert section.Yea the disclaimer she talks about is kind of dumb and totally worthless but so are all of the "disclaimers" used on provider ads and websites. I could sit at my computer and point out dumb shit that I see on bp ads all day, but what's the point? I don't get satisfaction out of ridiculing people on message boards every single day of my life.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I remember someone posted a similar disclaimer that claimed that it was illegal to try to use the ad to "incarcinerate" someone.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
posting bs alerts. Originally Posted by Tony Montana
Posting BS alerts? I have never posted a BS alert. Every alert I have posted had merit.

ridiculing people on message boards Originally Posted by Tony Montana
Get real. I'm not ridculing her. If I was I would of posted a link to the BP ad.

The shit is funny and unlike you, some people around here enjoy a good laugh.
simpleton's Avatar
I enjoy a good laugh. And I thought it was funny. just sayin....
LeftySmith's Avatar
Sailman's Avatar