It would also surprise the hell out of me if anyone can decipher the point, if any, he was trying to make. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyWhat i got out of it is that you're a gullible Obama hating sap.
Did you even read the article? Do you understand how government research/funds are responsible for these things to happen? It is usually a combined effort. The government sinks funds into private companies to do the R&D. The article you linked says that the man responsible was employed by the, drum roll please......the GOVERNMENT. Yet you try and spin it as the "President lied". I highlighted parts for you from your article. You want me to come over and read it to you and then explain what it means?
The truth is a more interesting story about how innovation happens—and about how hard it is to build successful technology companies even once the government gets out of the way.
For many technologists, the idea of the Internet traces to Vannevar Bush, the presidential science adviser during World War II who oversaw the development of radar and the Manhattan Project. In a 1946 article in The Atlantic titled "As We May Think," Bush defined an ambitious peacetime goal for technologists: Build what he called a "memex" through which "wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified." Originally Posted by WTF
The most legitimate role for government funding of scientific research, that ultimately benefits the private sector, is in basic research. That is to say, research that is done to aquire scientific knowledge without knowing what the application of the knowledge will be.Correct. Sad that the SC project bottomed out.
The private sector does research with concerns for relatively short term benefits. By it's nature, the private sector is motivated by profit.
The super collider research being done in Switzerland is yielding breakthroughs in scientific knowlege that may someday change the way we live. The short term benefit is non-existant.
America is no longer on the cutting edge of super collider research because government funding was cut for a super collider that was being built in Waxahachie, Texas in 1993. The breakthroughs in high energy particle physics, now occurring in Switzerland, could have been in Texas. Originally Posted by joe bloe
See also,5052169.story for a different take. Executive Summary: The WSJ article is basically very, very mistaken and incomplete.
ARPANet was a government project. TCP/IP, the protocols that made internetworking happen, was developed on government funding. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
I love the Obamatons twisting and turning, insisting the President was taken out of context. I wonder how they will spin this one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyWhat say you , you gullible old bastard?
Despite President Obama's insistence that the government invented the internet for business, a lie that sounded nice in the moment when taken in context, the internet was invented at Xerox. Here's the story.You lied. See the quote below. What kind of attorney were you anyway? Never mind. One lie out of you is enough. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It would surprise the hell out of me if Munchie understood what he posted. It would also surprise the hell out of me if anyone can decipher the point, if any, he was trying to make. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyNumerous people got it. You not getting it?
Obama said the internet was invented by government for business. He lied. That hasn't changed. Keep spinning. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyTypical of you to lie, not understand the word "spin", and to just be wrong, again.
Despite President Obama's insistence that the government invented the internet for business, a lie that sounded nice in the moment when taken in context, the internet was invented at Xerox. Here's the story. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Obie said ..The problem is with the claim that the reason that the Government paid for the research that created the Internet was SO THAT companies could make money off of it.
"The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all companies could make money off the Internet."
taken in context, theres a difference between create and invent ...
an inventor has an original idea that may or may not be within his/her power to create said invention
in this particular case government funding acted to help create something someone else invented ...
glad I could helpOriginally Posted by CJ7