Biches please.... We has back up. ;)

Fancyinheels's Avatar
In at least 20 states it's illegal to discriminate against gay job applicants, and there is a bill before Congress (probably at the back of the stack) to extend that throughout the country, so hiring gays just means CFA doesn't want a legal battle, and as for serving gays, unless customers come in wearing signs that say, "I'm a man and I suck cock" or "I'm a woman and I lick pussy," how would they know who's eating their chicks? The fact that CEO/Founder S. Truett Cathy and his charitable endeavor, the WinShape Foundation, have poured a buttload of money into the pockets of anti-butt-loading activists speaks for itself.

However, I do agree that had not media sensationalism and political stupidity come into this, it wouldn't be such a big deal. What Chicago is doing with an attempted ban on a new CFA opening is idiotic. Those restaurants are franchises, and the owners, while having to conform to company-wide Christian-based policies like not operating on Sundays, don't necessarily agree with the principals of the parent company.
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  • 08-02-2012, 07:33 PM
I disagree with the CEO of Chick-Fil-A. But he has a right to think and say what he wants. You want to silence him because he disagrees with you. Hmmm . . . where have we seen that before? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
When the owner of Chik-Fil-A spouts a bigoted viewpoint, you say you disagree with him...but yet, you treat him with kid gloves.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Excellent marketing plan. The Jesus freaks are turning out like the Taliban at a beheading. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Religious nuts are religious nuts, regardless of who they pray to. Perhaps if it was a little less about having everyone be "just like us" or the weight of the collection basket.....

I'd think "more love" would mean catching more flies with honey instead of sh*t. However, some peoples' experience might be different. Especailly Tennie-man the chalkboard wizard.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-02-2012, 09:33 PM
CFA aint denying anybody shit!
The owner expressed an opinion.
WTF, twist it all you want but it all boils down to the fact that people are getting tired of being told what they can and cannot say.
. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
But you are not tired of people telling you who people can and can not marry?

btw, you are the ones that have spun this as a first admendment issue. Nobody I know has said he sould not be able to express his opinion. That is pure spin on your part.

CFA aint denying anybody shit!
The owner expressed an opinion.

. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The owner donates millions to deny gays the right to marry.

I do not give a shit what his personal preference is nor should he give a shit of another's.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-02-2012, 09:35 PM
Ya know, if CFA was making gigantic donations and publicly supporting organizations and/or politicians against mixed-race marriages, how differently would we be seeing this? Would the lines for food turn into picket lines then? Same thing, IMHO. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
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  • 08-02-2012, 09:39 PM

As for what Chick Fil A does with their money it is none of anyone else's business. It is their money and they can waste it if they want. . Originally Posted by Laz
Laz, you are missing the point, I do not care what he spends his money on as long as it is not on discrimination. If he thinks it ok to discriminate then he is getting some push back, as he should.

Shit , if he was spending money to make it where you could not get married, you'd think that not right at all.

Fucking shit does not even effect me but I know that it is BS.

You have to stand up for what is right no matter how it plays out. You do not see me standing up for Rham other than saying he is doing exactly wtf the CFA dude is doing!