In at least 20 states it's illegal to discriminate against gay job applicants, and there is a bill before Congress (probably at the back of the stack) to extend that throughout the country, so hiring gays just means CFA doesn't want a legal battle, and as for serving gays, unless customers come in wearing signs that say, "I'm a man and I suck cock" or "I'm a woman and I lick pussy," how would they know who's eating their chicks? The fact that CEO/Founder S. Truett Cathy and his charitable endeavor, the WinShape Foundation, have poured a buttload of money into the pockets of anti-butt-loading activists speaks for itself.
However, I do agree that had not media sensationalism and political stupidity come into this, it wouldn't be such a big deal. What Chicago is doing with an attempted ban on a new CFA opening is idiotic. Those restaurants are franchises, and the owners, while having to conform to company-wide Christian-based policies like not operating on Sundays, don't necessarily agree with the principals of the parent company.