Married Providers?

ProviderRider's Avatar
Hahahaha.......will do
  • jwood
  • 08-09-2012, 01:25 PM
If you guys don't think most of these providers don't have some kind of SO, your kidding yourself.
~Ynot~'s Avatar
I am thinkin I would not perform well if I knew her hubby was in the parking lot.
Just saying....
Thats one of those the less I know the better deals.
I know two providers that definitely have SO's.
I am happily married, in an open swinger relationship. While it may not work for some, it works great for me!
All the local ladies I see are married or with S/O's. I use to see a sexxxy blonde who retired about 6 yrs. ago. A few times her hubby would drive her to her incall. She always let me know that ahead of time. She liked to play with cameras and videos, and would always ask me to hide the cameras til I got inside the room. Apparantly hubby didn't like it, but she did. Wish she would unretire! Lol
MuffinMan's Avatar
Just my .02 here. Most of the great ladies I've even been privileged to call ATF's have been swingers in some type of relationship. They all were more open, passionate ad just joys to be with.

Hmmmm.....What are you doing later, Leah?? LOL

I agree with MM most of the older ladies i see are in a relationship or married and there is usually less drama from them than some of the unattached ladies.
They sort of understand our situation of being a married client also which helps.
DallasRain's Avatar
I agree with MM most of the older ladies i see are in a relationship or married and there is usually less drama from them than some of the unattached ladies.
They sort of understand our situation of being a married client also which helps. Originally Posted by wildwooly1
well said!
I don't think the way a provider conducts their business has a thing to do with their marital status. It's a case by case situation. Its about maturity, not your "SO status." I can see all ends both for the single and the married. I used to be married, years ago, to an agency owner up north. So Ive been in both positions. Actually, I think all the comments on this thread can go both ways. Both for the provider and hobbyist. The married hobbyists I see regularly are my favorites. We have a good time and we go our separate ways. I have a lot of problems with single hobbyists. (Not all, but the majority) I'm not in a position to tell anyone how to be in this industry. To each his own. What works for me may not work for the next person. But I think too many people get away from what's really going on here. I don't run my end as a dating service, I run it for what it is. Do I make friends? Yes. However, it's a world I leave when I go home and that's worked perfectly for eight years. I must be doing something right. I guess I expect people who provide and hobby to be pretty open minded creatures, yet there's always so many narrow minded views.
MM, ill be back to S'port in a couple weeks, would love to meet you!
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I don't really care if someone is married inside or outside the hobby. If they break their vows to their husband than so be it, I wasn't the one how vowed. I mean I know that sounds harsh but really that's their problem not mine.