Oh no,...not another freakin' retirement thread!

I'm with saustin.

Fight it man...and hey, with the money you save on the wax jobs (I know..that shit costs a lil money - but the hurt...oh, it hurts so GOOOOD!) save up a lil piggy bank for a good rub and tug when you get an all clear from the doc. (Hey, I'm up front with my doc about things - why not?

There's gonna be shitty days, and there's gonna be "fuck all you fuckers" days, there will be "it's going" days, and there will absolutely be, "fuck yeah! I feel fan-fuckin-tastic!"

Hang on to those highs, remember those lows...and you will get through this.

I sure hope that my text matches my tone in my head. I do wish you the best, as I do any hobby friend - as we are all a community here. <3
I don't know you but I know what you're up against. Take it a day at a time - good things do happen. My aunt had great results with a dietary juicing therapy in addition to her medical treatment. Sending positive vibes your way.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am so sorry to hear that sugar!

I guess friday will be a "retirement hurrah">??
I am very sorry to read this although I do not know you I wish you nothing but the very best.

Safire Sweet
cumalot's Avatar
Don't let it get you down and find your support people and stick with them like glue....It's a roller coaster ride as you know, full of good and bad days, but just stay focused on the goal and that is beating this thing....Good Luck
pyramider's Avatar
He will be back as soon as the cancer is beat. Remember, fucktards do not retire ...
berkleigh's Avatar
I am so sorry to hear this LRS!

I had the best time with you and I wish you well.