Have no rebuttal to my point though do you?Actually, his rebuttal was sound. You are a racist, a Holistic denier (SP), a Hitler fan and you believe in a master race. Here's a news flash, if there is legitimate sex education in schools and access to free birth control, you population "controlling abortions" wouldn't be needed. Now, I'm a rabidly pro-abortion, but there is no way abortion comes anywhere near controlling unwanted births the way preventative birth control does.
All you can do is call me crazy.
Well if crazy is living in a kind of country we have in America rather than what they have in Mexico because we have abortion...
Then call me crazy! Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Back to the OP - No one should be sterilized at 15 - PERIOD. It should be illegal to do so. Sterilization is something that doctors do on mature adults that already have children or if someone is of a certain age that it apparent to all tat that individual has no desire to have children.
Non-abstinence sex education needs to be taught beginning in middle school. Period.