Obamacare Mandate: Sterilize 15-Year-Old Girls for Free--Without Parental Consent

Have no rebuttal to my point though do you?

All you can do is call me crazy.

Well if crazy is living in a kind of country we have in America rather than what they have in Mexico because we have abortion...

Then call me crazy! Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Actually, his rebuttal was sound. You are a racist, a Holistic denier (SP), a Hitler fan and you believe in a master race. Here's a news flash, if there is legitimate sex education in schools and access to free birth control, you population "controlling abortions" wouldn't be needed. Now, I'm a rabidly pro-abortion, but there is no way abortion comes anywhere near controlling unwanted births the way preventative birth control does.

Back to the OP - No one should be sterilized at 15 - PERIOD. It should be illegal to do so. Sterilization is something that doctors do on mature adults that already have children or if someone is of a certain age that it apparent to all tat that individual has no desire to have children.

Non-abstinence sex education needs to be taught beginning in middle school. Period.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Non-abstinence sex education needs to be taught beginning in middle school. Period. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
You are right there, and I tried so hard to volunteer for that middle school.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2012, 12:13 PM
if I read it correctly, the legislation was already on the books ... different states have different age restrictions ... this 15 year old in said state could have an abortion or be sterilized without the healthcare bill

so its the founder of the healthcare bills fault
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You blame everything on Bush, so what's the difference?

The founder of the healthcare law could have prevented this. Yes. He knew the consequences of the bill, didn't he? He read it, of course, didn't he?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2012, 12:30 PM
You blame everything on Bush, so what's the difference?

The founder of the healthcare law could have prevented this. Yes. He knew the consequences of the bill, didn't he? He read it, of course, didn't he? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

oh, the healthcare law didnt create this monster that sterilizes young girls.

got it, thanks.
When does a 15 year old have the sense to pour piss out of her Uggs? If abortion hadn't been legal then maybe the scientist who cured cancer might have lived to go to college. It is kind of appalling that you would think that all abortions are of future criminals. Are you some kind of racist? You sound like it. Your logic; abortions are good because all abortions are of poor, unwanted, ignorant criminals. I have to say this Austin you are a piece of work. Bigoted, racist, and sick but you probably feel pretty moral and progressive about yourself. Did your grandparents work at a concentration camp? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

If you get 'em sterilized you won't have to worry about a paternity case JD.....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Another sick fuck rears his head. Who knew this post would be so revealing. Now we have a good idea who the sick fucks, Nazis, and other assorted bigots are.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2012, 01:33 PM
Another sick fuck rears his head. Who knew this post would be so revealing. Now we have a good idea who the sick fucks, Nazis, and other assorted bigots are. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

spake the bigoted sick fuck
There's more to the issue than just having babies. There are the health consequences, and the idea the government can interfere with the parent-child relationship. A fifteen year old cannot drink, cannot vote, in many states cannot drive, cannot contract, among other things. We presume to allow her to make a choice with lifelong consequences without the consent of those who love her most and have her best interests at heart? You would replace that government?

That is ridiculous and outrageous. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are correct in that parents should have some responsibility for the health of their children, but that authority has definit limits.

One limit is when a parent wants to deny services to a child, and the child want them. The child under law is entitled to defy his parents if the parents stand in the way of the child getting the standard medical attention they need.

Another limit is in forcing the child to have children that they don't want, which is a right that's now being expanded in all kinds of specific ways.

This right stems from the long-standing rights that a minor child has over his offspring. Even if a child is a minor they still have the rights of a parent over their child.

So even though it may seem paradoxical it's always been the right of children to control their own fertility.

And I agree with that.
Actually, his rebuttal was sound. You are a racist, a Holistic denier (SP), a Hitler fan and you believe in a master race. Here's a news flash, if there is legitimate sex education in schools and access to free birth control, you population "controlling abortions" wouldn't be needed. Now, I'm a rabidly pro-abortion, but there is no way abortion comes anywhere near controlling unwanted births the way preventative birth control does.

Back to the OP - No one should be sterilized at 15 - PERIOD. It should be illegal to do so. Sterilization is something that doctors do on mature adults that already have children or if someone is of a certain age that it apparent to all tat that individual has no desire to have children.

Non-abstinence sex education needs to be taught beginning in middle school. Period. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
What a load of crap.

Sex education makes kids more likely to have sex, not less so.

If you had an argument to make then make it instead of constantly hurling out these invectives about, "He loves Hitler. He's a holocaust denier. Boo Hoo Hooo.."

Make an argument if you have one.

Here's an argument for you...

What would China look like today if they didn't have manditory sterilization and abortion?

Wanna guess?
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-15-2012, 07:54 AM
Hillary Clinton, stated it takes a village to raise a child. The beginning of the end of parenthood.
  • Laz
  • 08-15-2012, 10:34 AM
Allowing the sterilization of a minor without parental consent is nuts. While I am not happy with the idea of abortion without parental notification I can almost understand it. I think the parents that want notification have the stronger argument but there are a small number of cases where it is better for the child. There is no rational argument for sterilization of a minor without parental CONSENT not just notification.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess it would be okay to go back to the 1920s when young women were sterilized against their will. My mother told me of an aunt of hers. She was forcibly sterilized when she was 14 years old at the Glor hospital in St Joseph, MO. Part of the eugenics minded progressive elitest movement of the 1920s. I guess some things never go away.
If they were sterilizing your people it explains a lot of your posts....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is amazing that there are people on here defending this.