I'm thinking about coming to NOLA but...

HeatFlash3's Avatar
It's all good, Doll. I had assumed that that was what had happened. Just send me a message when you're heading back this way. I'm holding you to what you said about making it up to me ;-)
Sorry guys. The hurricane made me go with alternative plans. I thought that it would be really risky to go to new Orleans with evacuations pending. As soon as they are done and over with, I will be there! I sure hated to get everyone sooo excited about seeing me. I will make it up to you guys. Originally Posted by Lola Bunz
No problemo, Cya when you get here and hopefully not while I'm away on Vaca..KK
Lola Bunz's Avatar
thanks for understanding.
Pretty Lola, if I were a hobbyist, I would be in! You are stunning, Have fun when you do come to town. I suggest you stop in Lake Charles, Lafayette, Baton Rouge on your way to NOLA. Lots of nice gents on the way,

Have fun!