KC you have to use the word competitive as they mean it.
Competative = good enough to keep selling season tickets but does not cost much to put on the field.
Originally Posted by dirty dog
or as in the price for hot dogs, beer, coke, and other items. Competative...
we need to get a AAA footback team like the T-Bones baseball team.. I love to watch them play.
The Cheif's are a Tax Right Off for the donations the Hunt's make to other Teams...
did you see when the Royals started getting nasty. Coke pulled out... now Pepsi jumped in...wow
The best part of the game was a Lineman made a touchdown... and he didn't take the ball. His first ever touchdown in the NFL... just shows how smart these guys are.
How do they pay these guys in GumBall's... they tell them the colors mean different amounts.. I bet they fall for it... (dam that's some funny shit)
Then the announcer's were talking about the one lineman that made the statement last week. then he got busted for a holding call and we lost a first down becuase of him... LOL
I agree the Chief's need to find a new Owner. Someone that has more passion wants to get a Winning team. Fill in the toilet they call the Chiefs stadium, and build a new place. It would be funny if the fans started throwing toilet paper onto the field… meaning the (team in whole) Management and Coaches are all crap. Just why are we still playing Marty Ball… run right, run left, thro 10 yards. And Punt…
We have the best rested offence in the league. They only play for 30min out of the 3 hours.