Why havn't many of the things the President and Democrats said were wrong still in effect

The Democratic party did not solicit the support of the Tea Baggerz. The Republican Party did because they said they had similar or more similar values than the alternatives. Be careful what you wish for as they support non Party Appartus candidates and are after Republican incumbents.

I don't recall a single case where Tea Baggerz went after a Democratic incumbent in a primary. In Arkansas it was from the left and not the right.

Same thing the GOP did when it accepted and solicited the Radical Christian Right and began to threaten the concept of Freedom of Religion by jeapordizing Freedom From Religion in Government.

The Senate primary in Kansas seems to be about who voted no the most against all attempts to help the people out. Well never party where you live they say so I will commute to Missouri to have fun....oops republicans just shut down strip clubs.

Oh well.
john_galt's Avatar
Well, we all know that Catnipper drank the Kool Aid and rubbed it into his belly. Like all fanatics it is useless to try to convince him otherwise. I can't recall the name of the book but it is similiar to a person who has been conned. When they first find they've been conned they deny it. They have to deny it because to admit that they got fooled calls into question their intelligence and judgement. It's nothing personal but Catnipper is just trying to maintain his self image.

As for the question; it is very interesting that Obama seems to be continuing the very policies that he attacked and the democratic party is going along with him. There is an overwhelming smell of hypocrisy coming from Foggy Bottom.
Excuse me Dirty Dog for threatening your attempt at controlling the conversation. Most of my posts were directed at providing answers to some of your questions and those that attacked the efforts of Obama.

I did not know that people of my "ilk" were not welcome here to express their opinions that don't agree with yours.
And to you Mr. Galt I am actually drinking the Lemonade left over from the lemons of the last 8 years.
[quote=catnipdipper;316049]....jeapordizing Freedom From Religion in Government.


I know its off topic...but hard to let go. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the constitution....no provision whatsoever establishing a freedom FROM religion.
And to you Mr. Galt I am actually drinking the Lemonade left over from the lemons of the last 8 years. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
This is almost on topic, because this has been an Obama slogan of sorts. He has deliberately blamed our current problems on the previous president several times...knowing that this will satisfy the hate Bush crowd.

1. I'm just trying to clean up his war

2. He started the financial meltdown and I am just trying to fix it

And my favorite:

3. Bush derugulation caused the financial meltdown (if deregulation caused the meltdown, then its worth the effort to see who actually repealled Glass-Steagall, before pinning it on Bush)

...But other than a small cadre of devoted followers, how will this "the buck stops with the last guy" approach play with most voters? Obama is trying a brave new incumbancy strategy of flying away from the center....and astonishingly, playing to the dimmest wits when blaming Bush for everything. This is radically different than Clinton's re-election strategy. Its very interesting to watch...and terrifying to contemplate if actually successful.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well Catnip, it was my thread, I started it and I control it, I am also doing what the moderator asked me to do. If you dont like it start your own, which was all I was asking you to do. This thread is about those things that he campainged on that were wrong, then has not changed them and in fact continued them, this had nothing to do with "his accomplishments, that would be the subject of another thread". You can express your opinions if they are on the topic, if you think that your diatribe was on topic then maybe you should work on your reading comprehension. If you cant understand that I am trying to keep a thread on topic so its not closed, and if you believe I am censoring you then thats more your problem then mine. WHo are you quoting with this "ilk" comment.

Excuse me Dirty Dog for threatening your attempt at controlling the conversation. Most of my posts were directed at providing answers to some of your questions and those that attacked the efforts of Obama.

I did not know that people of my "ilk" were not welcome here to express their opinions that don't agree with yours. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
I can no longer comment but you can find "ilk" used in previous posts re anti-mexican.

Lacrew you must be joking to know that they are not valid claims...oops I commented.

Nope, not joking. We are never going to agree on that...but the question is, will Obama continue to get away amplifying Bush policies, while simultaneously blaming Bush for all the wrongs in the world?

He's got at leat one guy in his corner, but who else can he trick? The unions are in - he came through big time for them in the Chrysler deal. Blacks are in - they voted overwhelmingly for him, and Obama's talking heads have skillfully turned any criticism of Obama into a racial issue.

He's about to make a run for the gays, with DADT. He got completely cock-blocked on immigration, so he won't be able to come through big time with an amnesty deal. So, he's nibbling around the edges, trying to get more voters - floated the idea of allowing felons to vote, for example. He also floated the idea of another stimulus plan (to buy more teachers, police, fire, government employee union, etc), but it crashed and burned - damn Tea Party.

It would be alot simpler to just close gitmo, not renew the patriot act, and pull out of the war right now...so why is he making it so hard for himself? Why not do precisely what he promised the hard left? Why does he have to play the Bush's fault rope-a-dope? Of course the answer is that nobody (well almost nobody) seriously thought he would fulfill these promises, any more than they took seriously his comment that he would 'heal the earth'. He's just a politician - that's all. Just like the rest of 'em.

p.s. Several of the 'ilk' have tried to turn discussion threads into a discussion of Bush. Mathmatically, if Bush had an approval rating somewhere south of 20%, and Obama has around 45% of the population opposed to him, OVER HALF of the people who criticize Obama didn't like Bush either. Please, please, I'm begging you all, please, for goodness sake, please, for the love of God, I'm pleading with you, really I am: DON't assume that people who are unhappy with Obama are staunch defenders and supporters of Bush. Its just mathmatically impossible to be true.
dirty dog's Avatar
"I can no longer comment but you can find "ilk" used in previous posts re anti-mexican."

Thats mature, I guess if you can't turn a thread into an Obama rah rah thread then you cant talk, nobody said any such thing, you are more than welcome to discuss issues that are on topic, if you cant do that then your loss.
If all you are left with is a house of straw, you don't tear it down until you can build one of bricks and mortar and that takes awhile. Meanwhile 40% of legislators are trying to tell you that the construction plans are faulty and you should just accept the house of straw as it is and that it will get better if you leave it alone.

Hein vs Freedom From Religion only ruled in a very narrow case involving use of tax payer funds. True freedom under our constitution is about for and from.

WWJD? He would turn the churches into homeless shelters and give the treasuries and assets to the people that need it. He did it with the money changers and would again. All you anti taxers....WWJD...render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's......shut up and pay your taxes.

I propose a 20% tax on adult video stores.
dirty dog's Avatar
I would be willing to bet I paid far more in taxes that you have. But again, I ask you to keep the thread on topic.
Ok on topic of Obama bashing....I don't like his jump shot or his favoritism for Chicago sports teams. Happy now?

I am also very angry with him for now allowing BP to test the "Top Kill" method to stop the gushing and spewing of slime on Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Orielly and I will even throw in Chris Mathews.

I heard he wants to make sure it works first.

Don't go there on taxes my friend as you just don't know.
On page 3 of Elena's anti-mexican post swarmyone or smaryone(I forget) claimed that Elena and I were of a certain ilk. Still there for your research.
dirty dog's Avatar
Ok on topic of Obama bashing....I don't like his jump shot or his favoritism for Chicago sports teams. Happy now?

I am also very angry with him for now allowing BP to test the "Top Kill" method to stop the gushing and spewing of slime on Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Orielly and I will even throw in Chris Mathews.

I heard he wants to make sure it works first.

Don't go there on taxes my friend as you just don't know. "

Well its just obvious that you still cant understand what the topic of the thread is. If you can tell me what BP has to do with why Obama has not discountinued things that he campaigned against Bush as being wrong then I will shut up, but you cant and that means its off topic.

"On page 3 of Elena's anti-mexican post swarmyone or smaryone(I forget) claimed that Elena and I were of a certain ilk. Still there for your research."

Don't really care too.

"Don't go there on taxes my friend as you just don't know. "

Were not friends.