Progress CJ; just a few hours ago you were claiming Ryan lied about the GM plant closing,,,,just a few more hours and the FactCheck list will be even shorter.......they misrepresent the text of Ryan's speech....nothing new for these fact checkers....they have been proven wrong and biased on so many ocassions it is a joke to even cite them.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Don't forget this.
Like Ryan did.
"Steve Ellis -- whose group, Taxpayers for Common Sense, criticized Obama for not getting behind Simpson-Bowles -- said "it is certainly fair" for Ryan to criticize Obama on his handling of the issue.
But Ellis added that Ryan in his speech "conveniently ignored his role in Simpson-Bowles not going forward. The House Republicans voted as a bloc -- they were the only ones to vote as a bloc, and I think that was its undoing. They voted to oppose it because it didn’t repeal Obamacare, which to me seemed more like an excuse for the vote against it when they had already made up their minds to oppose it. … I don’t know if Rep. Ryan was the ringleader of the group, but he certainly was the most visible and well known."
Other budget specialists we contacted were even less charitable toward Ryan’s framing of the issue in Tampa.
"‘They?’ ‘Them?’ Why didn't he say, ‘us?’" said Roy T. Meyers, a budget expert who teaches political science at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County. "His speech can be judged using Orwellian standards. It's beyond hypocritical. It's repeatedly and cynically dishonest."
Norm Ornstein, a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, agreed.
"I found it utterly hypocritical, and it was at a minimum disingenuous not to mention his membership on the commission," Ornstein said. "The reality is that the three House Republicans who voted against it, unlike the Senate Republicans, were instrumental in keeping the plan from coming directly to Congress. They were not alone, to be sure, since they were joined by some House Democrats, and the president deserves chastisement for not endorsing at least the plan's structure in the subsequent State of the Union.
"But the fact is that John Spratt (the top Democrat on the House Budget Committee) voted for the plan, and one of the other House Democrats on the Commission, Xavier Becerra, subsequently indicated a willingness to act on entitlement reforms, while none of the three House Republicans were willing to budge on taxes."
And Stan Collender, a former Democratic staff member of the House and Senate Budget Committees, said that the "primary reason" the plan didn’t advance was that Ryan and Camp "indicated that they were against it. If they had supported it, or at least allowed it to move forward, there is a very good likelihood that the plan would have been approved and that a deficit reduction deal would have been reached."
To Collender, Ryan blaming Obama for the commission’s failure is "disingenuous, misleading and the worst form of hypocritical politics. It’s the political equivalent of killing your parents and then begging the court for mercy because you’re an orphan."